Sunday, 28 April 2019

The Present

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"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  2 Corinthians 5:17.  NKJV

Well, here you are. If you agreed with yesterday's reading, and asked Jesus to be Your Lord and give you a brand new start, here it is. The thing is, what are you going to do now? Asking Jesus into your life is only the beginning. It takes a lot on your part to make it work, to carry on with Him.

You've taken the first step. If you haven't already, you need to get yourself a bible, and not the 'Thee's and Thou's ones'. You need an English speaking one - one that you will find easy to understand. The New Living Testament is a good version and reads rather like an ordinary book. Secondly, get some daily bible study notes. You can use this one if you choose to, but there are lots around. In my opinion, one of the best is The Word for Today by Bob and Debby Gass. They're part of United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) and write a daily commentary which is free. If you contact them, they'll put a three month copy in the post to you.

Thirdly, it's a good idea to find a caring church; one that is not too staid or religious but is up to date in its worship and bible teaching. Once joined, there will be Home Groups to visit each week and probably all sorts of things that would interest you and make you feel very welcome.

Of course the most important thing is your daily walk with Jesus. Spending a little time each day reading your bible and commentary, together with talking to God (praying), and of course listening to Him; because if you speak to Him, he's going to want to speak back, so get into the practice of listening to Him.

An Alpha course is really beneficial and most churches would be able to direct you where one is being held. 

You're on the way. Keep at it and learn to trust Jesus. You may have been let down in the past but now you have a friend who will never let you down. That's a promise!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 27 April 2019

The Past

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  2 Corinthians 5:17.  NKJV

This is what it means to be a Christian. Jesus, on our confession of our sin, and acceptance of Him into our lives, has washed away everything and given us a brand new start. One day, we will enter into His presence. Until then, we live for Him.

If you're anything like I was, God had a lot to sort out in my life. If I'm honest, He still has, but He is very patient. He has removed all the bad stuff that I was ever involved in as the scripture says in Psalm 103:12, 'As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'

Haven't you ever wished that you could start again? Well, with Jesus, that is what happened the moment we asked Him into our lives. He doesn't speak empty words. If He says, I forgive you,' then He means just that. Even great men of God came from dubious backgrounds. The Apostle Paul before his conversion and the change of Name from Saul, was consenting to the stoning of Stephen the Martyr, one of the Apostles (Acts 7:54-8:1). However, following Paul's dramatic conversion on the Damascus Road (Acts 9) there was a major change in his behaviour and he ended up writing the biggest part of the New Testament, building churches and raising up men of God, all over the place. But it was Christ's forgiveness that started it all. From the day he surrendered to Jesus, his murky past was over and he worked tirelessly for Jesus.

Probably you may have made a mess of your life. It may have been doomed from the very start through a broken family. Some may have ended in care being passed from family to family for years. You may have missed out on what is considered to be 'family'. Your parents may have divorced or you may be the victim of a broken marriage and witnessed you partner deserting you. Of course it hurts! It makes you angry and it is so unfair. The past can't be changed. It happened and somehow we have to work through it. Jesus can help you here. He is the Master of putting broken lives back to together again; the Master of healing broken hearts. The Master of breaking addictions. If this is what you need, slip to your knees now and call upon the One who really cares and wants to change things for you, right now.

'Lord Jesus, my life is in such a mess. I'm angry, aggressive and I hurt. Please would You help me to start again, to have a new crack at life. I give my life to You now and say I'm sorry for my sin. Amen.'

Get yourself a bible; start reading it and find a church who will love you. Email me if you wish.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 26 April 2019

Who is going to tell them?

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"For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him  in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?"   Romans 10:13-15  NKJV

As people call on the Name of the Lord, they shall be saved - born again - converted etc. etc. This goes for Christians too, when we are in dire trouble, calling out to God can lead us out of the problem, or at least, help us to cope with it.
However, we're talking here about unbelievers. Those who have never made the Lord their Saviour. This has happened to many people. I was 34 before I became a Christian. Up until that time, I had lived for myself and didn't care about God or holiness. However, God had a plan. For what happened, scroll down to the beginning of these daily blogs for My Testimony.

Many people live their lives, work, eat, sleep and have some fun and that about sums it all up. But there is much more. But, the people won't know unless someone tells them. That's where we all come in. The only time people hear about Godly things, are at funerals, occasionally wedding and in the day when it was okay to talk about God - in school. Therefore, many don't know about God and we need to tell them. 

Romans 10:17 says, 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.' Perhaps it needs a preacher to tell them. Really though, as Christians we all have it within us to speak about our faith to someone. Perhaps at work, in the pub, at school or somewhere in the community. 

Many churches today, neglect to preach the Gospel, choosing to fill the service with lots of worship and prayer and a short sermon. It must be said, that worship can contain the Good News of Jesus, yes, but in my opinion, the sermon cannot be neglected, especially if the Gospel is preached each week. 

Not many unbelieving folk walk into a church unless they're invited and then they may be reluctant. If and when they do, we need to take every opportunity, without coming on too heavily, to introduce them to Jesus. Failing that, what about preaching in the street. We've all seen the person who is talking about Jesus in a town, suffering verbal abuse as he or she tries to get the message over. It is not easy I know. I have done this and been shouted at, moved on by the law but I have felt excited by it all. Let's face it, this is just what the Early Church did. They didn't wait for the people to come to them, they went to the people.

Is this something you could do? If not, why not try to listen to peoples problems and just bring Jesus into it all and go for the victory. If you don't tell them, what if no one else will either? Not everyone is a preacher or an evangelist either. But we all have the ability to speak to someone who is going through a bad time, offering pray for them or just telling them about Jesus.

Does this sound freaky? If so, there has been a lot of freaky people over the years

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Walking by Faith

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"For we walk by faith, not by sight."   2 Corinthians 5:7.  NKJV

We walk, not by what we see in the natural, but what we see in the supernatural. 
Bob Gass says, 'Don't look at the obvious but the actual.' 
We need to act by what the Word says even when it may not agree in the natural. Confess it and faith will rise up in you and take care of what you can't see. In other words, allow the Holy Spirit to create 'Power pictures,' within you.

'While we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporary but the things that are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18.). In fact, things such as this, are subject to change and that is the whole idea of faith. 

Smith Wigglesworth used to say, 'If God said it, I believe it and that settles it.' Things may seem dire but faith can change that. A word of warning here though; at times, when God answers our prayers, the answer may not be what we expected. We may pray that someone is healed from a particular infirmity, such as being wheel chair bound. God may well heal the person - to a degree; but leave the person still requiring a wheel chair, for a reason. 

Joni Eareckson-Tada is an example. She broke her spine in a diving accident when she was 17 and despite many prayers she has spent nearly 60 years in her wheel chair. However, God has used her disability to come alongside many other people in similar circumstances. She is a regular Christian speaker and author, although she lives as a quadriplegic.

She was also diagnosed in 2013 with breast cancer - the non-aggressive type, but she still carries on with her ministry. You see, God knows best and knew Joni's heart and He has used her greatly. 

Does faith work? Yes it does and Joni would not have been able to reach the many thousands of people that she has, without being anointed and chosen by God.
Don't ever doubt God. He loves us and will always show us the way forward.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

The Anointing

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"The Spirit of Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound."  Isaiah 61:1 NKJV

To anoint  is to smear and rub with holy oil in order to consecrate holy people or holy things, such as the anointing of priests and buildings. Anointed in Hebrew is meshach.

A derivative of this word is mashlyach which means Messiah -  Anointed one, as Jesus was and still is the promised Anointed One. His title came to be Jesus the Messiah. This was later translated into Greek as Christos, hence the name Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we're all given the anointing but not all flow in this. 1 John 2:20 says:

"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things"

This scripture is saying that we know all things. This is referring to discernment. Christians should flow in this anointing from the Holy Spirit; then they have the ability to discern the truth through the experience of knowledge.

Sadly, not all Christians allow this anointing to come upon them. It's there but many tend to ignore this putting it down as suspicious and 'not of God', type of thing. Others, want this anointing but don't know how to go about it. There is no exam to sit, in order to receive the anointing. You received this when you were born again. The more time you spend with Jesus, the more you'll be like Him and he anointing will flow. The thing is, if you don't 'put in' then you won't 'receive'. What I mean is, we need to spend time with God in prayer, bible study, listening to Him and enjoying every moment with Him. The anointing cannot fail to come upon you then.

The scripture says, 'you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things,' but you must allow the Holy Spirit access in order for Him to flow through you and allow this to happen. God wants us preaching to the unconverted, laying hands on the sick and setting captives free from the indwelt prison that they dwell in. But you need the anointing to do this.

A few years ago, I was in hospital recovering from major surgery. I was tired, very weak and   totally out of things. I heard God speak to me, giving me a scripture. Psalm 92:10:

'But My horn (strength), You have exalted like a wild ox, I have been anointed with fresh oil.'

I was going nowhere, in fact slipping away. Suddenly, I accepted this Word from God and within days, I was strengthened, discharged and sent home. Basically, God was showing me that He had given me His strength and a fresh anointing. I have stood on this verse ever since.

It's a good place to start. God wants to give you a fresh anointing; to build you up and strengthen you. Why not renew that anointing today

'Lord, I receive the Word from Psalm 92:10 and ask You to give me a fresh anointing this day, so that I can know all things and carry out Your work each and every day. Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Monday morning blues

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"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearer."  Ephesians 4:29  NKJV

The famous 'Back to Work Syndrome'. Whether this is after a weekend off, a holiday or a period of sick leave, it can be difficult, for some, to negotiate.
The feelings manifest around Sunday tea time and can ruin the whole evening. It's a feeling that is common to all, Christian or non Christian- employed or self-employed. For some people it causes depression, irritation and bad moods. It could be the job that we're not happy with, but its more likely to be there whatever we do.

We can start whinging on about it; saying things that do nothing to make ourselves, or whoever is listening to us, feel better or edified. There are some solutions to this problem. Let's take a look at the list:

(1). Give your job up
      This is not a good idea as you have bills to pay
(2). Get a new job
      This is not as easy as it sounds, and chances are you'll feel the same way about all of 
      this in a few weeks
(3). Retire
      This is difficult if you're only in your 30's or 40's
(4). Win the Lottery
      You've got about as much chance as singing a duet with Frank Sinatra and he's been 
      dead for years
(5). Rob a bank
      Again, not a good idea as you'll probably spend the rest of your life in prison
(6). Accept the situation
      and be grateful you have a job to go to - many don't.

Look at the benefits of going to work. You have money; clothes, a home; children taken care of; laptops; TV; food etc. etc. There is much more when you search your mind. But most of all, you have the feeling of satisfaction that you're well enough to work and thought highly of to be able to hold a job down. A job well done!

Then there is gratitude and thankfulness that you have the ability to do the job well, no matter what it is. You may be a bank manager or a toilet cleaner but in God's eyes you are so important.
Change your thinking and your language and thank God For Monday's.

Monday, 22 April 2019

Root of Bitterness

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"Pursue peace with all people and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord, looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled."  Hebrews 12:14-15 NKJV 

David Guzik comments:
bitter root is a root that bears bitter fruit… So it is possible for the seed of bitterness to be sown in a community and, though nothing is immediately apparent, in due time the inevitable fruit appears.” (Morris)
 Bitterness corrupts many, rooted in a sense of personal hurt, and many hold on to the bitterness with amazing stubbornness. What they must do is remember the grace of God extended to them, and start extending that grace towards others – loving the undeserving.

 William Barclay wrote:
that the phrase fall short of the grace of God might also be translated failing to keep up with the grace of God. The idea is that the grace of God is moving on, past the pain and hurt of the past. We should move on also.

A root of bitterness is like a cancer and if we're not careful, will spread and contaminate our heart and mind that before long, we will be totally taken over by it. Not only that, we may spread it towards other people as they try to help us. We grow bad fruit. Instead of spreading God's grace wherever we go, we moan and groan about who has done this to us in the church and how left out of things you feel. 'I may leave the church,' you may say to others, 'there's nothing for me in this place; do you know what someone said to me etc. etc.' Before too long, vulnerable people may begin to believe what you say and they become contaminated as well. There may some truth in the hurt you speak about. But instead of moaning about it, go and do something about it. Probably you need to gently confront a leader. But caution here. Is it necessary? Or can't you forgive the person like Jesus has forgiven you?

One things for sure, you're not building anyone up, are you? People go to church to worship God, not listen to stuff that is going to bring them down. It is gossip! Do something about it before it consumes you and everybody begins to avoid you. 

We're called to bear fruit - good fruit (John 15:16). A root of bitterness bears bad fruit; it is bitter. Which fruit do you wish to bear good or bad? Don't you think it is time that you dod something about this; about the way you feel. You're carrying around a large weight of bitterness and anger. Jesus can help you with this, but you must be prepared to forgive and let the past go.
Think about it!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

There's still no answer from God

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day  is  as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"...