Tuesday 27 August 2019

Has there been a power cut?

"When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future ."
                                                                                 John 16:13.  NKJV

The Spirit of God is our guide. He will speak with us and lead us in the way we should go, act and speak. When we visit a castle or Stately Home, it is always helpful if we know something about the place; its history and who lived there. This is where a guide, whether in human form or a written brochure, comes in handy. Jesus has provided us with the Holy Spirit who will fulfil  this role and much more.

Have you fully realised that you have the power of God within you? The Spirit that hovered over the waters prior to creation, is the same Spirit that dwells within you. That fire that is in you; the stirring up of your spirit and that power that you feel.

It is essential to have power; without it we dwell in darkness. Anyone who has undergone a power cut just lately will know how miserable it can be, especially if it is winter and there is no other way of heating your home. It can be dark, cold and lifeless.

In the supernatural, it is essential that we have the power of God - the Holy Spirit, working within us. But at times, it can feel like we've had a power cut. You know what I mean, those days when we seem to be walking around in thick treacle, getting nowhere and totally stuck to all kinds of things that are unhelpful.

What has happened? One moment we were flying high and praising and worshipping God. Now we are completely flat with no motivation to do much at all. At times such as this, we need to check our hearts. What have we been saying, doing or thinking about that we know, we shouldn't have? 1 Thessalonians 5:19 says: 'Do not quench the Spirit.' What does this mean? Well it gives the idea of dampening down the flame and fire of the Holy Spirit. We may have offended the Holy Spirit by gossipping, judging someone, using bad language or any other thing that you know is wrong and sinful.  God will never leave us, (Hebrews 13:5) but we can quench His Spirit, losing that fire that we had.

Is that where you are today? If so, repent. Ask God to forgive you and forgive yourself and then move on. Don't beat yourself up when you've fallen into sin. The devil will do that. Be mindful of:

'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'   1 John 1:9.

And that means the feeling of guilt and having a bad conscience about what you've done. If God has forgiven you, you're forgiven so forget about it, because He chooses to.
Just get on and have a great day!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Monday 26 August 2019

Are you teachable?

"But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you,"                                                     I John 2:27.  NKJV

Be careful here. This verse is not saying that you do not need any further teaching, because you do, we all do. If you read an earlier verse in 1 John 2, we hear:

'But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.'    1 John 2:20

As a Spirit-filled Christian, we have the Holy Spirit and He gives us revelation in all things and will guide us through situations. We still need to receive teaching in the Word from when we attend church; join a home group; watch Christian TV or study a Christian teaching manual. In fact, it is essential. However, what the teaching can't give us, is what the Holy Spirit can, and that is revelation; a deep insight into a God-given plan or situation. In fact, God-breathed.

Good bible teaching gives us wisdom and understanding and is an essential part of our daily requirements. Proverbs 9:9 says, 'Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser. Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.' We need to be teachable, in fact, we need to have a hunger and a thirst for good, solid bible teaching.

The Holy Spirit will give us revelation in things. Suddenly  our eyes are opened and the answer is there staring us in the face. Now this can come directly from the Holy Spirit during your personal quiet time or a session of prayer, or you may receive anointed teaching from someone. You know when you're in the presence of an anointed teacher; they keep you hooked and on the edge of your seat. You just can't get enough and all that they say, you saturate yourself in it because it is reaching the place within you - your spirit. That is the hallmark of a gifted teacher. Other people may teach, but it doesn't have the same impact and you may feel yourself drifting off into your own thoughts. There's nothing suspect about the teacher, it is just not their gifting. It's rather like a song writer. Some writers create their work and it just hits you and pretty soon it may be in the charts. Other writers create something and it just doesn't seem to have the get up and buy to it.

We need to be teachable. No one is above this, even if at times, we may feel that we are. In William Barclay's Commentary to Matthew, he quotes a statement by a great Roman teacher called Quintilian, who was a teacher of oratory. He said of certain scholars:

'They would no doubt be excellent students if they were not already convinced of their own knowledge. No one can teach people who know it all, already.'

We don't know it all, and if you think that you do, then you are so misguided. In fact, it is pride that makes a person feel this way. If a person becomes too puffed up, pretty soon they're going to pop, and that will be disastrous.

We are know all's, God's Word here tells us we are. But we only know what the Holy Spirit shows and tells us. As we walk daily with Him, He will open our minds to what He wishes to teach us. This may not happen all of the time, so we need to supplement this with good, solid teaching from a gifted teacher. There are Lot's around and we all have our preferences. Find one who works for you and get right into God's Word until you are bubbling over with wisdom, knowledge and the anointing of God.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Sunday 25 August 2019

Our thoughts

"(3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, (5) casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God , bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
                                                                               2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NKJV

Our thought life needs to be under control. If not, it can run away from us and cause havoc. Paul here, is not referring to warfare against a human enemy but against the mind. The arguments he mentions, are the pride that can overtake us in our thinking. We have to deal with this and quickly.

If we're not careful, the mind can really run riot. We have all had these type the thoughts, you know, the ones where we think bad things about someone or something that has caused us problems throughout our day. This may be a boss, who has been arrogant, rude and disrespectful. Our mind can lead us to want to use warfare upon him or her. Then of course, there is our marriages, where one partner has been totally out of order and wound us up tightly. We moan and groan inwardly and look at them with daggers. Then what about the person, who parks in your parking space, you know, the one that you always park in, or sits in the seat that you always sit in at church. This is unforgivable, you may think.

If we could run a tape back on all the thoughts you've had throughout the day, you would be shocked at how you have reacted in your thoughts. Of course, it becomes worse if the thoughts are allowed to break out from your mind and enter into our speech. This can be disastererous, when we speak out what we have been thinking. You've never done that? Oh yes you have, and you know it. We have all let loose with our tongues at times, some of us with both barrels. The thoughts have built up so much then - POW! - it has been impossible to prevent the fallout and a type of Victor Meldrew or green monster has been born within you.

This is why the Apostle Paul instructed that we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. In other words, we need to 'nip it in the bud,' before it gets out of hand. People can tell when we hold bad feeling and thoughts about them, you know. We just can't hide it. It shows in our face and how we handle ourselves before them. Sometimes we may be abrupt with them. It is far better to take them on one side and confront them - in a soft and gentle manner, not a bull in a china shop way. That is, if you have been wronged and you just can't live with it any longer. But a word of warning, think before you act. Do you need to confront the person? Will it be to your advantage to do so? Will it serve any purpose in doing so?

It may not be a person that you are having the bad thoughts about. It may just be life in general. If it is, give it to God. Go for a walk in the fields or woods and shout your frustration out. Make sure that there is no one about here, or people may think that you need hospital treatment.

The most important thing, is to get on top of the thought life. We all have them, but many of us have learnt to take them captive and give them to Jesus. Come on, you can do the same, can't you?

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard 


Saturday 24 August 2019

People seeing Jesus in you

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And they realised that they had been with Jesus."                                           Acts 4:13.  New King James Version

The word uneducated here means that the disciples had not received formal instruction in the rabbinical schools. The word untrained, describes them as common laymen, not professional experts.

And yet, these 'common laymen,' were the chosen vessels to promote the Kingdom of God when Jesus ascended into Heaven. They were called to preach the Word and nothing was going to stop them doing this. They had a determination to carry out what Jesus had called them to do. And it would turn out to be very costly for them, as they carried out this ministry.

Many people today are Spirit-filled and, like the disciples, know the Word through and through. They have an anointing directly from Jesus and carry His authority. However, if they were to apply to certain Christian denominational institutes to become a vicar/pastor, they would be asked to undergo several years of training before they were set free to do this; and perhaps that may be the right thing to do. However, many serve as pastors today who have not been to theological colleges or had professional training. Yet they are being used greatly by God.

Many very influential people who have been used by God over the years, had no particular training; Charles Spurgeon, DL Moody, William Carey, Martin Lloyd-Jones and Hudson Taylor, spring to mind. And what about Smith Wigglesworth? None of these great men of God had undergone professional training and yet God, used them mightily. 

Jesus Himself chose, trained and ordained His disciples. One only has to look at scripture to see the training He gave them:

'(1) And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain and when He was seated, His disciples came to Him. (2) Then He opened His mouth and taught them.'  Matthew 5:1-2

Matthew describes The Sermon on the Mount in detail. It would have been impossible to cover all of this in one sitting. There are 107 verses recorded. No one could sit through a sermon of such length, and if they did, they would never be able to absorb it all. No, it must have been over a time that Jesus taught them.

Whatever the time-scale was, Jesus taught them and this is why the Sanhedrin noticed that they had been with Jesus. They had had no formal training but were spiritually eloquent in all they said.

Therefore, a person can apply for formal training at a theological college and that is all right. Likewise, a person who has done much personal training in the Word, but not had formal training, can still be eligible to pastor a church, and this too, is all right.

The main thing is knowing God and living His Word. The more time we spend with someone the more like them we become. This is why many married couples are so alike in what they do and think. It is also why, people who spend time together, possibly at work, pick up certain characteristics. So, spending lots of quality time with Jesus has got to benefit a person; they become more like Him and it shows itself to other people.

If you spend more and more time with Jesus, pretty soon, if not already, people will see that you're different. And what an honour that will be, for someone to realise that you have been with Jesus.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Friday 23 August 2019

'Why am I going through this?'

"So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, then you will rejoice and no one can rob you of that joy!"                                   John 16:22.  New Living Translation

Why do things happen that totally devastate us? We can be sailing along nicely, one moment and then, 'Pow,' we're sunk by a torpedo that smashes our lives apart.

Jesus told us, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome this world.'  (John 16:33.) Okay, some may say, 'Jesus told us that we would have trials and sorrows, but is that fair? After all, we belong to Him; surely we should be exempt this pain?'

What we have to realise is, the same sorrows and trials happen to everyone, no one is exempt. Everyone has to suffer painful experiences. The main thing is, as Christians, we have Jesus, we know the truth and He is the one that will help us through. For the unbeliever, there isn't that type of hope and support. They have to find a way to make it through the difficult period.

Jesus told us:

"The thief's purpose is to steal and to kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."   John 10:10.  New Living Translation

However, the thief - the devil - will send powerful distractions that are intended to rob us of all the joy we possess. As joy is a strength, (Nehemiah 8:10) such an attack can knock us to the floor. Bob Gass said, 'Satan continually uses distractions,' the acronym of this is SCUD. The enemy fires a scud missile at us (Ephesians 6:16) This is why we need to ensure that we are carrying our shield of faith.

We all suffer things at various times in our life. This may be where you are right now. It's common to have pain and sorrow, especially where there is a loss of a loved one. With this, there has to be a time of grieving for this purpose until some kind of healing can take place. It cannot be rushed.

For other things, Satan will fire these scuds at us and if we are not careful, we will be so distracted by them that we will lose our focus, giving the devil the feeling that he has scored a victory.

NEVER! We belong to the King of kings. We have Jesus in our hearts and He leads us to victory. But when we have been distracted and beaten up, we can't just lie there. We need to get up and stand. The victory is ours, as long as we keep standing.

It may be a rough and difficult time for you at the moment. You may be angry, disappointed or frustrated because things are coming at you from all directions. STOP AND PRAY! You may not feel much like praying but it is a powerful weapon that releases the angels to come and minister to you. Don't call on the angels; this is not the right thing to do. Call on God and He will release them to help you:

"(11) For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. (12) They will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your feet on a stone."  
                                                                                     Psalm 91:11-12   New Living Translation

Change you words from: 'Why Am I going through this?' to 'I am not having this; I have the victory in Jesus; come Lord and help me.'

As you do this, your victory, hope and joy will return, because in Jesus, YOU'RE A WINNER!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Thursday 22 August 2019

A Wealth of Knowledge

"For the LORD grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding."
                                                                     Proverbs 2:6.  New Living Translation

Cast you mind back a few years and and realise just how far this world has grown with technology. Back in the 80's, we had to queue up at telephone boxes if we wanted to make a call to someone. Now, everywhere you look, people are walking round with a mobile glued to their ear. If they are not doing that, we can see them sitting waiting for a bus as they text their friends. People do their supermarket shopping while they have a conversation with someone who has just rung them. We may be having a conversation with someone when their mobile rings and they say to us, 'I must take this.' I know that the mobile phone, would have been so helpful to me when I was stuck somewhere with a broken-down car and having to walk a mile or so until I found an emergency telephone, to ask for help. The downside to the earlier models was that they were the size of a house brick and practically impossible to put in your pocket. One social worker I know, used to carry his office mobile around in a brief case because it was too big. The thing is though, the world had brought progress.

Then of course, their were vinyl records, which were then updated to cassette tapes and from there to CD's which are still popular, although, vinyl is becoming popular again. What about iPads, laptops, MacBooks, PC's or iMacs. We can take a photograph on our iPhone and instantly send it to someone else by email, WhatsApp or messenger. Further, with the iPhone, one can airdrop it to another IOS facility - instantly. In church, most people sit there with their mobiles or iPads, reading the bible, or if they're bored, playing solitaire, Lol.

The age of digital technology is upon us. What is it going to be like in another 20 years or so? It's amazing what God has brought about; giving man the wisdom to create such wonderful things that we have. The internet has given us the opportunity to preach the Gospel worldwide, therefore, people who had never really heard the Word of God, now have full access to it.
I visited a store recently that I had never been into before. After looking around for a short time, I left. About an hour or so later, I received a text asking me how my visit had gone. Amazing, they knew I had been n their store through the GPS on the 'phone.

We have so much to be grateful for. Look at the contents of your house for one thing. There are fridges, freezers, flashy ovens, every type of utensils you can think of. Then there are showers, luxury bathroom suites, the conservatory and the extension. I could go on forever; we have so much to be thankful for. Yet for some people, they're never satisfied. They're always chasing around wanting something extra or something their neighbour has. 

You know, God loves us and demonstrates this everyday to us. His desire is to bless us and as long as we're walking in tune with Him, He will. A thought has just sprung to my mind, imagine, you may not yet have received the full blessing that God has in store for you. Now, whatever that hope you have in your heart is; God may want to send that your way, very soon.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Wednesday 21 August 2019

Taller and stronger

"(16) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. (17) If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. (18) But even if He doesn't, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."   Daniel 3:16-18. NLT

Nebuchadnezzar, had erected a massive gold statue and he had ordered that everyone would bow down to it. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused and for this, they were thrown into a blazing furnace. They belonged to God and Him only and nothing, absolutely nothing would make them worship any false gods.

It's interesting and quite exciting how they said this to Nebuchadnezzar. They were not rude but showed him total respect. However, they were rock solid in their decision that they would not bow down to the statue. 

There were three levels of faith that they mentioned:


God is not developing escape artists and Houdini's. He is creating overcomers! CS Lewis in his book, The Screwtape letters, tells of Satan warning one of his junior demons: 

"We are never in greater danger than when they look around and all traces have God have forsaken them; yet they still choose to obey Him."   CS Lewis

A few years ago, I watched a film that Open Doors had made. It was set in China and showed all of the suffering that was taking place because the people were Christians. They were beaten, some were killed and anyone who survived this, had to live on very small supplies of rice and just have the clothes they were wearing. It was awful but factual. One of the highlights for me, one that I have never forgotten, was when one of them said to a guard, just before his death, 'You can hack us down, but just like the bamboo, we will grow taller and stronger as each day goes by.'

What a testimony. Many of us have never been in such a situation as this, but we may have suffered minor similarities in our day to day lives, because of our faith. Our faith may have cost us our families, our jobs and our friends. For some, it may have cost the break up of a marriage. To follow Jesus, there is always a price to pay. But:

'Like the bamboo, we will grow taller and stronger as each day goes by'

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Grace ( Final part )

"Heal me, O  Lord , and I shall be healed;  Save me, and I shall be saved,  For You are my praise"                                ...