Saturday, 25 July 2020


"Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
                                                                                                                                    James 4:7. NKJV

Basically, submission can be classed as giving in, or accepting the situation, yielding or surrendering. From one point of view, it is rather like weakness - we can't do it without help - and that's it in a nutshell. As Christians, we daily need God's help because if we try to go it alone, we'll fall flat on our face. The enemy loves to tempt us to go it alone. He does it to make us have the, 'I don't need anyone' syndrome. This is why we need to resist him and we do this by submitting to God. When we do, the devil flees. When we trust God from a humble, surrendered heart it disarms the devil. He can't understand it.

CS Lewis in his book, The Screwtape Letters, is warning some of his junior demons and says, 'We are never in greater danger than when they look around and all traces of God have forsaken them, yet they still choose to obey Him'.

This is classic submission. We give our all, our everything to Him, and we are blessed and reassured that whatever happens in any day, He will take care of it. I like what E Stanley Jones says, 'Surrender to Christ or you surrender to chaos'. When you stop and consider this, it is very true. Many times we become involved with something and rush at it without even consulting God in prayer. And many times, it may go wrong. This may be something that you need to manage better.

Galatians 2:20 gives us a great example of being submitted to Jesus: 
'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.'

By accepting this, we confess that our old lives are dead and we are now alive in Jesus, submitted to Him in such a way that He takes control of everything and can be seen in us wherever we go.
Actually, it's a good verse to confess every morning. Confessing we are alive in Jesus and our old life is now dead. Do you know that dead men don't react? It is true and a great example of how we should be living for Jesus - No Attack - No Defence - No Reaction. We are in Jesus and He is all we need!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Friday, 24 July 2020

Zip the Lip

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."              Ephesians 4:29.  NKJV

Are you a grumbler? I think it is something that we are all susceptible to quite often.When things get on top of us and catch us unawares, we can turn into a whinger. We need to watch this area because, a glance in Exodus 16 & 18 shows us that grumblers died in the desert. A humbling thought. They were never satisfied with what God gave them. 'Well, that's different,' you may say. But it's not; our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and it is so easy to grieve Him (Ephesians 4:30). Therefore, we need to be aware of that.

A corrupt word is when something is decayed and rotten; so when we speak a word that isn't becoming of a person of God, we may be uttering decay. How do we do this? Well telling jokes is one way. We can be tempted to use graphic language to attempt to make  the joke funnier. When we're in certain company, it is so easy to drop our guard and allow ourselves to 'fit in' with the crowd. It isn't about 'fitting in' with the crowd, but 'standing out,' in the crowd; that should be our goal. 

We don't have to live such sanctimonious lives that we shut ourselves away from all but Christian people. If we did that, how would people get the opportunity to hear about Jesus? But we do need to be an example. This is when people see there is something different about us. One of the biggest problems are our words - what we say and how we say them. When we are not in control of our mouth, we can tend to criticise, moan or even say unkind words to people when they upset us. Take for example, when we're driving. Someone cuts us up, drives erratically near us or even honks at us. If we're not careful, a barrage of unedifying words can be spoken and once out, they can't be taken back.

Does what you say build people up? Do you bless them when you speak? Does what you say build you up? After all, you're a hearer of your words too. It's an area that perhaps we all need to work on. Oftentimes, we need to zip the lip until we can allow something good to come out. 
Let us be aware that, 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it, will eat its fruit.' (Proverbs 18:21).
If you can say something good - then say it. If you can't, then zip your lip until you can!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


Thursday, 23 July 2020

Stand Your Ground

"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you."  V16  
                                                                                                     Daniel 3.  NLT/NKJV

Nebuchadnezzar had built a golden image that stood ninety foot high by ten feet wide and he had commanded everyone to bow down and worship it. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused and the king was enraged. He threatened to throw them into the fiery furnace unless they obeyed him. "And then what god will be able to rescue you from my power.' V15.

The young men told him, 'God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand.' v17. Note that they said, God was able to deliver them but they added that He will deliver them from the king's hand. Basically, they were saying, 'God will deliver us, but if He doesn't save us from the fire, He'll save us from you, O king'. They knew that they may have to be thrown in the fire but they had the faith to know that, somehow they would be ok. They trusted God.

God is just as able to deliver you from whatever fire you may face. Trust Him - He is able and very willing to help. However, you might have to go through the ordeal. But, take heart, He'll be with you. Bob Gass wrote, 'When God doesn't deliver you immediately, he'll be your thermostat in the furnace.'

Notice that Jesus was with them. The king saw a fourth person in the fire (3:25). He said that He was like the Son of God. This was a Christophany - a preincarnate appearance of the Messiah. He was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fire and He will be with you too, in whatever situation you find yourself in or have to go through. 

As scary as some situations can appear, there really is no need to worry about anything at all. Things may get hot when you make a stand for Jesus. Some say, 'when you play with fire, you'll get burnt,' but when you make a stand for Jesus, He will recognise this and not one hair on your body will be singed and there will be no smell of smoke either.

You may be in a difficult situation at present, but don't compromise your faith. Don't let anyone make you do what you know you shouldn't do. Make a stand, whatever the cost and Jesus will be right beside you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Take the right way

"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies nor with the wine which he drank                 Daniel 1:8.  NKJV

Daniel refused to defile himself with the king's meats and wine. It was a forbidden act for a Jew. He therefore humbly requested that he and his three friends could have vegetables and water instead. After a ten day trial, it was accepted that this was an acceptable diet for them. (1:15-16).

Charles F Stanley says, 'We should never compromise. Godly obedience begins with absolute commitment to honouring God above all else. When we purpose in our hearts to put God first, then the particular temptation or challenge cannot control us.'

This was quite a dangerous thing for Daniel and his friends to do. They were captives in a hostile country with a domineering king. This could have been a fatal issue for them. However, God was with them and Daniel was trusting Him in his new governmental role as an advisor to the king. He knew that trusting God meant looking beyond what we can see, to what God sees, (Romans 4:17 and 2 Corinthians 5:7). For us to serve God properly, we too need to walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes, the things we see are not very nice and can appear quite daunting. This is where our faith kicks in.

When we have an attitude such as, 'I can do this;, then nothing can stop us from fulfilling what we set out to do. We may not accomplish everything we hope for but we'll be that much further ahead than when we started. It's having that, 'get up and go', that counts.

We've probably all had times when we've been close to rock bottom - when things have not gone our way. But be thankful that you're still here and have another chance to get it right. God is right beside you, but you must determine that you will never compromise; you will never go against what you believe. Stand up and make a declaration - 'I'm going to conquer this. I have God beside me and nothing can stop me from trying to get back on my feet - I'm a winner!'

Don't go the way of the world; go the way of Jesus. He knows the road ahead and if you will only let Him, He will show you the way too!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Your Faith Part 2

"Do not be afraid, only believe,"                                                     Mark 5:36.  NKJV  

Why didn't Jesus comfort Jairus when people from his house came to tell him that his daughter had died? Because fear robs a person of faith. Jairus had come to Jesus fully assured that Jesus could and would, heal his daughter. Jesus didn't want him to lose that faith. Instead, He challenged Jairus to remain faith-filled.

Regardless of our circumstances, God will always urge us on to faith and away from fear. This can be seen in His comments to the woman with the issue of blood. 'Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affiction.' (v34). Also, in the example of the wind and the waves obeying Jesus, He said, 'Why are you so fearful?' (Mark 4:40).

Be aware, faith offends many people. When we talk about faith stuff, they look at us as if we're crazy and an alien from another planet. They have no concept about Jesus healing people today, let alone, raising them from the dead. But it happens. When they hear about this, they try and explain it away coming up with many reasons why a certain thing may have happened. These people will rob you of your faith. Avoid them, they're doubters and robbers of faith. We get an example of this in Genesis 3:1. The serpent said to Eve, 'Has God indeed said that?' This left Eve confused and these people will do the same to you. Keep a wide berth.

Faith and fear can never operate together, they're opposites and repel each other. Before we can really trust Jesus, we have to decide to put away fear. 

Jesus said:

(1)  Don't try believing and being afraid at the same time. Doing this, fear will take over.
(2)  Don't try to believe and figure it out at the same time. You'll never do it, fear will take over.
(3)  We have to trust Jesus when everything around us seems hopeless. If we don't, fear is released.

Oftentimes, it all appears daunting. It's not easy hanging on to your faith when all around you is crashing down; but it really is the only way if we want victory.
Whatever is happening in your life, take Jesus' words to heart. 'Do not be afraid, only believe.'


Monday, 20 July 2020

Your Faith

"Daughter your faith has made you well - Do not be afraid, only believe' Verses 34 & 36

                                                                                                   Mark 5:21-43.  NKJV

I want us to look at two things that were happening here. The woman had been ill for twelve years or so and needed healing to survive. Jairus begged Jesus to come and heal his dying daughter. Both used faith statements. Jairus said, 'My daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay hands on her that she may be healed and she will live' v23. The woman said, 'If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.' v28. They didn't use phrases such as, 'Hopefully she will be healed and live,' or 'If I can touch His clothes, I might get well.' No, they were certain about their statements. They were in faith, so they went to Him.

There's a lesson here, we don't always have to go to a pastor or elder to receive healing, we can, and should, go straight to Jesus. Obviously, if we are at church and there is a call for people to come and be healed, then it may be appropriate to go forward. Other than that, if you're sick you don't have to ring for people to pray - although that is always helpful. But you can just speak to Jesus and tell Him what you need and receive it.

Check out what Jesus said here, 'Daughter your faith has made you well,' and 'Do not be afraid, only believe.' He didn't say, 'go to church and get the pastor to lay hands on you and you should be ok.'  You may say, it says in James 5:14-15, to call for the elders of the church to pray for anyone who is sick, and that is correct, but as I've mentioned earlier, that is usually in a church setting, although some may prefer to do this and that is ok.

What Jesus said here, complimented their faith and is very similar to what the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3:20: 'Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us'. Underline in your bible the 'According to the power that works in us'. It is kindling that power - Jesus - within us, reading His Word, praying, walking daily with Him in such a way that this power manifests a strong faith within us. This is why Paul said, According to'. It is up to us to live in such a way that the power of Jesus is manifest all the time within us, wherever we go. It is living the life, not just once a week but every moment of everyday.

When we can live in such a way as this, wherever we go, Jesus will be seen within us. Demons will tremble at our presence; people will be saved and healed, lives will be changed. The world needs a shake up, it needs Jesus. We have the power of Christ within us; don't let us ever hide that Light under a bushel. These are not pipe-dreamed words, they are the Words of God!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Lessons from the Prodigal Part 4

"But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him."  v30                                         Luke 15:11-32.  NKJV

There is always someone who will burst the bubble. The older son displayed anger, resentment and bad feeling towards his father and his brother. He had a Pharisaical attitude - one of unforgiveness, judgementalism, hostility and a total lack of grace. Just by his words, 'this son of yours', it shows how he felt about the situation. There was no compassion, no respect, no joy that his younger brother was safe and now at home. Just a sulking hostility.

To a degree, one can understand how he felt. He had remained faithful to his father and the work and had witnessed his brother with a, 'want, want, want,' attitude, pressuring his father for the inheritance. However, he was totally out of line with his attitude, which must have put a dampener on the celebrations. One thing this whole example shows us, is the love of the Father. His joy and compassion know no end. . He lavishes us with good things - abundantly. (John 10:10b). Everything that He does for us we don't deserve but we get it anyway. Each new morning is a fresh start with Him. (Lamentations 3:22-23) In fact, as Jeremy Pearsons says, 'My mistakes may be great but His faithfulness is greater.'

God's mercies are never-ending. The Hebrew word for mercies is hesed and it can be translated as 'Covenant Love or Steadfast Love'. It is linked with compassion, truth, faithfulness and goodness. With God hesed will always remain and be available to us. 

Don't allow a bad attitude to ever enter your existence. Refuse to harbour a grudge against anyone. The devil may try to convince you that you are right to feel this way, but who do you follow - Jesus or him? Yes that's right, it's Jesus so act like Jesus would.

We're only human and God knows this and often we are tempted to have a good old moan and criticise session. But is it worth losing the joy, peace and hesed that God offers each day? Let God deal with the difficult person, He's pretty good at doing that. You just focus on the greatest thing that has ever happened to you. His Name is Jesus!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...