"If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there, My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour"
John 12:26 NKJV
Pay particular attention to the phrase, 'where I am, there, My servant will be also'. If we are truly wanting to follow Jesus then we must be willing to do what He wants and go where He goes, no matter what the road may be ahead. Jesus was pointing out here that, faithful servants follow without hesitation. This means continuing to follow wholeheartedly wherever, whenever, day or night, thus conforming to Jesus' example. This may indeed mean suffering for our faith or even dying. Jesus suffered and died for us, Is it too much to ask to do the same for Him if we have to. We can see many examples of this in Labour Camps in North Korea and parts of China just to name two places. In these countries, it is not only illegal to be a Christian, but is unthinkable to possess or read a bible. The allegiance should be to the leader of the nation, not God. To disregard this law and live as a Christian could lead a person into brutal Labour Camps and even execution. And yet, many are willing to serve Jesus and die rather than give up their faith.
God honours our wholehearted servanthood. When we serve this way we can be identified as servant-spirited. Service is a part of love. We do it because we have a deep-rooted desire to place someone, especially Jesus. It's not just a calling, it is our whole commitment to Him. If we have a job, we serve our employer at our place of work too. When we do this, we should be working at our job as if, we are working for Jesus, regardless of what their attitude may be towards us. This is called serving and the world does not understand this type of behaviour. It is more concerned with, 'me, me, me'. But, as we continue to serve someone such as this, we are serving God to the best of our ability. After-all, not everyone is called into church type ministry but we all have a ministry in our own everyday workplace and home.
Sociologically speaking, a servant is one who accepts and acknowledges a place beneath those whom he serves. However, every servant of Jesus will be honoured by the Father in Heaven and this may be in their lifetime, not later when they go to Heaven. Blessings are due to many servants of God and many are going to be receiving these blessings when they least expect them. Why, Because Jesus had a servant's heart and He loves this type ministry.
Someone once said, 'The way to the Throne Room is through the servant's quarters' (Source unknown). What an amazing statement. Understand, the things that you are doing at this moment, may go unnoticed, but God sees all. We really don't need a 'thank you' from anyone, for He is the one that we serve and He is the one who will reward us.
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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