Wednesday 21 December 2022

The Qualities of our Salvation

"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."   
                                                                              Philippians 2:12-13   NKJV

This verse has been like a stumbling block for many Christians because, they find it hard to understand. What did Paul mean when he said, 'work out your own salvation with fear and trembling'? Well, he didn't mean that salvation is dependent on one's continued works; not at all. What he meant was our salvation must express itself in our daily living. Our character should be upright in all that we do, so that unbelievers see the difference in us and, although they may feel that we're strange, it leaves a lasting effect on them.

Paul mentioned about their conduct when he was not with them. He commended them that their behaviour was always upright whether he was with them or away from them. This is something that we need to take on board. I mentioned the Behind Closed Doors Syndrome' the other day where, we behave well at church but it's almost as if we can be tempted to take off our Christian hat and behave in a worldly manner, when we go home. This is similar to when the boss is around we may behave diligently. However, when he goes out, take time off or leave work earlier than we should. Paul commended the Philippi church that whether he was with them or not, they were always obedient and faithful.

Paul mentions that we should work our own salvation out with fear and trembling. Whatever we do, God knows, we can't hide anything from Him. Others may not see but, He does and when we are in error, that feeling of conviction can be heavy upon us until we have put things right. It's also important because, those unbelievers who do see our disobedience, take note of it. They may not mention it but this is where the term 'hypocrite' can form in their thinking. We need to live up to our word otherwise, we are like a ''sounding brass or a clanging cymbal' (1 Corinthians 13:1). We may not realise that they have noticed our wrongdoing, but to them, it's big, possibly because they view us as reading the bible.

When we view Jesus throughout the Gospels, His love, care, honesty and compassion shine through. People around Him noticed He was different and, He drew a crowd because of it. What a blessing it is when people notice that we are different and ask us about it. Wouldn't you prefer to have people notice you for the right reasons? Then, 'work out your own salvation with fear and trembling'.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday 20 December 2022

Just consider what Jesus has done for us

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God 7 but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."  
                                                                               Philippians 2:5-7  NKJV 

We often dream of being like Jesus - doing the things He would do. But it is a very costly exercise for one to consider. Let's look at this: 
Jesus was God; He was part of the Holy Trinity consisting of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He was fully God and yet, He gave it all up in favour of you and I. He made Himself of no reputation. Have you any idea what that would mean to you? You would be a nobody and people would not give you a second glance. That's hard, especially for Jesus, who was God. He then took on the form of a bondservant; this is a slave - a person who serves another against his will and without wages. Definitely not easy to do.

Jesus gave up His divine privileges and took this humble position of slave and came down to earth, in human flesh to the obedience of God the Father. He did this to save you and I and the many others who would accept Him. For this, He died a criminal's death, in agony, on a cross for our sins. Therefore God elevated Him to the highest place of honour and gave Him the name that is above any other name, that everyone would have to bow and confess before Him, that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

Jesus did this for us but, it was a great price to pay, something that you and I will never have to go through. We may suffer severe pain and heartache, hardship and agony but, we will never have to undergo the agony that Jesus took upon Himself that day - the total sin of the world. Now anyone who comes to Jesus and confesses His sin will receive forgiveness because Jesus paid the price.

Daily we go to Jesus and ask Him for this and that - healing, protection, financial help etc. But how about just going to Him with gratefulness for who he is and what He has done and will do. Let us not forget that, He has provided mansions for us in heaven for when we go to Him (John 14:2 NKJV). You may have dreamed of living in one occasionally. Well, if you know Jesus you will do. He has also provided things for us that we could never imagine, our brain could never comprehend it, but we will see it. Jesus has done so very much for us. He is our friend, our bodyguard, our provider, counsellor, intercessor and our confidante. Why not pray with me right now:

Lord Jesus, words fail us when we think of all that you have done for us. We are so grateful that you chose to be our friend, that you rescued us from death and that you love us more than we could ever know. Lord, we are Yours and Yours alone and will serve You for the rest of our days. Jesus You are Lord. Amen!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday 19 December 2022

Our Conduct

"Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel -"     Philippians 1:27   NKJV 

 Paul was addressing the believers in Philippi, urging them to stand firm whatever may happen to them. He was particularly concerned that their conduct would stand the test - that they would live up to the calling they had concerning the Gospel of Christ.

Paul was saying that, whether he came to visit them or whether he received word about them, he would be blessed to hear that they were holding up the name of Jesus. This speaks deeply to us as well. Is our conduct at home the same as it is in church? Or do we have a best behaviour for church and when we arrive home, take off our Sunday best and act the way of the world? 

Sometimes, if we're not careful, it is possible to live two lives - one for church and one for home where our personalties change accordingly. I call it the 'Behind Closed Doors Syndrome'. At home in the privacy of our house, it is easy to gossip about what 'such and such' was doing or saying. We can say things that we wouldn't dream about saying in church. This is not the type of conduct Paul was promoting, this type does not point people to Jesus, 'Well no one's listening', you may think. They are - Jesus and He is not pleased. Also, what if a neighbour overhears or is standing at your front door. It's not good and, needs rectifying.

Paul was saying we should be models to a watching world despite opposition that may come our way. We should be living in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This brings a unity that draws people together. Any other behaviour causes division that hurts the spread of the Gospel.

I once spoke to a young prisoner and he told me, 'I will be a Christian for six days a week but on the seventh day, I reserve the right to go out and punch and kick who I want to'. You may smile but it's true. I told him that it doesn't work like that and he decided to give it some thought. He did later become a Christian.

There is no room for split lives, it is all or nothing with Jesus. His conduct was impeccable and He wants ours to be the same. He knows we'll make mistakes doing this but, He is there to help us.
Are there things that you need to change to attain the conduct Jesus wants? If there is, He will help you if, you ask Him.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday 18 December 2022

Dedication to your calling

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain"        Philippians 1:21    NKJV 

What a profound statement! This was Paul's life, total dedication and commitment to Jesus. He lived for Him and was willing to die for Him as well. One cannot get a deeper dedication than this. 

However, he was struggling with choices. He wanted to be with Jesus; he knew that this would be far better v23. But, he also knew he had a job to do - a ministry to fulfil. There were people who still didn't know Jesus and those that did, needed nurturing. He also had his writing to complete. When he considered this, he realised that, whatever he did, he was living with Jesus. If he continued to live, Jesus was there and if he chose to die, Jesus was also there. Don't forget, Paul was the man who had visited heaven and seen the wonders but, he also returned (2 Corinthians 12), and carried on with his work despite the fact that he had his thorn in his flesh.

Paul's purpose was to glorify Jesus come what may; Jesus was his total focus. There is a lesson to be learned here. See how Paul managed things, he was flesh and bone just like us. He had a calling just like we do. However he was confident with what he had to do and where he was going and this focus he had, shone through. Possibly we need to take stock of all of this. We can say the same, 'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain', but if we do, is it a true statement?

There is so much going on in our busy lives that many times, Jesus is far down the list of priorities. We have a busy live to live, work to do, bills to pay and everything else. Paul was no different. He still had his earthly commitments. The difference being, he was so in tune with Jesus, so very much in step that, he knew without doubt that if he put Jesus as priority one, Jesus would take care of the rest.

And this is where Paul had the edge on us. Some may say, 'Yes, but that was back in bible times, things are different now.' No they're not, we're still in ‘Jesus’ times', He hasn't changed, His priorities and promises are just the same. He may not be asking you to be a missionary in some faraway country but, He is asking you to honour the commission He gave to all of us, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" Mark 16:15. Your street, neighbours and family are perhaps your world. That is your initial commission.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday 17 December 2022

Stephen the Martyr

"But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God".   
                          Acts 7:55-56  NKJV.  (For the fuller explanation, read Acts 6:8 - 7:60) 

Stephen had been falsely accused of blasphemy. This is an occupational hazard for all who live for Jesus. Here the Synagogue of the Freedmen - Jews that had been carried off to Rome by Pompey as captives in 63 BC, and later freed. These were part of the Jerusalem synagogue who opposed Stephen. They were also known as Libertines. These men manipulated people to say untruths about him and he was delivered to the council and placed on trial, a trial that was just a play on words really. You know, there will always be people around who, will falsely accuse you, gossip about you and try to get rid of you. Cheer up and don't give up, what you're doing for God is totally right and He is pleased.

Stephen was allowed to defend his actions and, he gave a very long discourse related to his behaviour. At the end of this, he spoke the words of our text today,"But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God".  This caused havoc and they ran at him, cast him out into the street and stoned him.

Notice a few things: (1) He was full of the Holy Spirit v55. Never try to take on a major incident or meeting unless, you have the Spirit of God firmly within you. (2) He was not afraid, he knew His Lord was with him (3) They began stoning him but he, knelt down and asked God to 'Receive my Spirit' (4) Then in a loud voice he prayed that the people would not be charged for their actions. He then fell asleep and was with Jesus forever.

All over the world, people lay down their lives for Jesus Christ because, He did the same for them. They put themselves at risk to bring aid and bibles to the downtrodden. They get on with the work and yet, at times all we can care about is that somebody has taken our seat in church. Come on, I'm not saying that we should all be martyrs - not at all, but we should all put Jesus and His work, uppermost in our lives. 

For His life-offering, Stephen knelt down before God and went to sleep - in peace.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Friday 16 December 2022

Zacchaeus the Chief Tax Collector

"He has gone to be a guest with man who is a sinner" v7    Luke 19:1-10   NKJV

Zacchaeus was a Jewish chief tax collector, a hated breed of people, who were employed by the Romans to collect taxes from their own kins-people. Many, possibly including Zacchaeus, collected extra for their own pocket too. By this, they were considered traitors. This is why tax collectors were classed alongside prostitutes and other sinners.
Understandably, Zacchaeus was a very rich man, but like so many of the other tax collectors, he was a social outcast, a man with few friends, a real Billy no mates. 

At this present time, Zacchaeus had a great desire to see the man who everyone was speaking about - Jesus. He had heard that He would be passing by very soon, so he was anxious to get ready for this. However, the crowds were endless and because he was a man of short statue, he had difficulty in seeing. He therefore, climbed a Sycamore tree that was close by. This type of tree had low-limbed branches so it was easy to climb. All of a sudden, he had a prime position and could see more than the crowd below.
All of a sudden, Jesus was there below Him. 'Zacchaeus, make haste and come down for today, I must stay at your house' v5. He couldn't get down the tree quick enough and also, couldn't believe that this man of dignity, was calling him and wanted to stay at his house. The nearby crowd hated it, 'He's gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner' v7.
People just can't comprehend who Jesus is. They feel He should spend all His time with the famous and rich, not the people that are hated and despised.

Zacchaeus said, 'I give half of my goods to the poor and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore it four-fold.' Jesus replied, 'Today, salvation has come to this house, because he also is a Son of Abraham' v10. Now the Greek definition of the word 'Salvation' is Soteria which covers, deliverance, preservation, soundness, prosperity, happiness, rescue and general well-being. This fuller salvation covers the present possession with a fuller realisation for the future. In fact, it is The Full Monty of salvation.

Don't ever look down on people who don't come up to your standards. Be courteous and kind because, you never who you may meet on your way down. Jesus saw the best in us, let us do the same. Many of us, may have had a rough ride before we met Jesus, marital breakdowns, drink problems, soldiers, trying to adjust to civilian life after being in the forces, PTSD, and other such things. I don't know where you came from and neither do you know about me but, Jesus does, and He died on a cross for us all. I am a somebody and so are you! Amen? Amen!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday 15 December 2022

Are you a Moody Guy?

"And Nathanael said to him, 'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"'  
                                                                                                   John 1:46  NKJV 

This was quite a detrimental thing to say - judgemental and discriminatory. But in Nathanael's opinion, it was not good and he was appalled. At that time, Nazareth had a bad reputation, and anyway, the Messiah was supposed to be born in Bethlehem not this place. He was right in one way, the Messiah was born in Bethlehem but he neglected to see that He was actually brought up in Nazareth.

After Philip encouraged him to 'Come and see'. He went with him. Jesus saw him coming and spoke into his heart, things that only Nathanael knew, and he was convinced and said, 'Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel'  v49. What a difference Jesus can make in a person's life. We may struggle to convince someone that Jesus is alive but, the Holy Spirit is the No 1 evangelist. He turned Nathanael's mood from deflated to abounding.

What about Thomas? He was known as The Doubter. But this was a rather unfair label to give him. He was heroic. When Jesus was preparing to go to Lazarus after he had died, The disciples knew it would be a risky thing to: 'go and wake him up' John 11:11. But Thomas replied in v16, 'Let us also go, that we may die with Him.' There was nothing about Thomas that could be said he was a doubting coward. He was sound and totally for Jesus.

However, in John 20:25-28, we read That Thomas refused to believe the disciples when he was told that they had seen Jesus. 'Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.' v25. Again, Jesus changed this situation when He came to Thomas and said, 'Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into my side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing' John 20:27. Jesus once again changed a doubting mood into a believing one.

This all goes to show that we, as believers, can be tough one minute and deflated the next. We have moments of doubt but, we try to hide this and be courageous. However, Jesus knows us through and through. Do you have doubts about what Jesus can and cannot do? Do you have moody sessions. where you refuse to believe that a fellow Christian is genuine? Do you doubt their integrity? Do you just become moody? You're not alone; we all have times such as this; so let us be grateful that Jesus still loves us.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...