Sunday, 16 February 2025

Praise, Praise and more Praise

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."
                                                                    Psalm 136:1   NKJV

It is good to praise the Lord, I'll go further, it is necessary for He has been so good to us. Psalm 34:1 says: 'I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.'
Notice the three words, 'at all times'. As our text today says, it is good to praise and thank Him.

When you have more time, meditate on these two verses; they pack power and actually show us that our duty here on earth is to do just that - praise, thank and be grateful to Him. Just think of the times you have let God down - multiple times. But, His mercy comes through and blesses us, forgives us and gives us His peace.

There is so much to praise and thank Him for, taking for instance:

(1)  Ours lives in general, (2)  If we're married, our wife/husband and children, (3)  Our homes,  (4). Our job and bank account,  5)  Good health or the health that you have at this time good or bad, (6) The love and protection that Jesus always gives us. And there is much more that we could mention here. God is good to each one of us.

The scriptures says we should do this at all times; does this mean when we're going through a really bad time? Yes it does, because God can change this but, if He doesn't, there is still room to praise and thank Him. Where we still have a life, there is still the ability to offer thanks to Him. Take for example one of the criminals on the cross at the side of Jesus. Another criminal was verbally abusing Jesus but, this particularly one said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom'. 43 And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'  Luke 23:42-43 NKJV. This is an example of blessing the Lord at all times. It was his way of repenting and asking Jesus into his life. Jesus accepted this and, today he is in Paradise. Paul and Silas were no different. They were in a filthy position; a rat-infested dungeon with filth and disgusting odours, yet they could still praise God. Acts 16.

Whatever you are going through today, go to your safe place and begin to praise God. It may be difficult initially but keep pressing in. God will then meet you in prayer. There is nothing too hard for Jesus to solve - nothing!

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
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Saturday, 15 February 2025

Is it time for you to rest?

"And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat."
                                                                             Mark 6:31  NKJV

Have you been overdoing things just lately? You may not think so but, deep down within, you know that you have. Isn't it about time that you took a little time for yourself. What about your hobbies, have they taken second place to other things. The things you are wearing yourself out over may seem important, but at the end of the day, if you wear yourself out someone else will do them, won't they?

Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is to get some sleep. Remember, we are human beings and energy levels become low when we overdo things or become ill. God doesn't sleep but, Jesus needed sleep and if He does, then you can bet that you and I do.

Some days, it is difficult to drag ourselves out of bed, especially on cold mornings. As we become older, the need to stay in bed for more sleep becomes more of a temptation. It is said that the average human being spends at least a third of their life asleep:
'A good night's sleep is vital for every human being to survive. Given that an average  person sleeps for 8 hours in a day, that means that an average person will sleep for
229,961 hours in their lifetime or basically one third of their life.'
A third of our life asleep, based on 8 hours per night. That is a lot of time. Some would say that we are wasting our life by sleeping too much but, at the end of the day, we need it.

How are you with your daily tasks - work or spiritual? Do you do just enough to justify your position or, do you go the extra mile? It comes down to dedication in some cases. Some people just have it in them to do that little bit extra; but others, only do what is expected of them. Who is in the wrong? None of them, they are both doing their job properly and that is all that's asked of them. 

However, at the end of the day, if you don't get enough rest you may burn out and, others may suffer too - your family for one. If you're too busy then the home and family can suffer. Is there a suitable balance? Yes there is, and Jesus gives His reason for resting in v32 'So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves' Note the words 'by themselves'. Jesus encouraged them to go to a place where people wouldn't be talking to them, asking them questions or wanting something from them. It was a safe place.

Have you a safe place that you can rest for a while?

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Friday, 14 February 2025


"My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. 16Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began."  Ps 139:15-16  CSB

On reaching the final part of our study of Psalm 139, I want us to look at a most contentious and heavily debated subject - Abortion. Therefore let us have a brief look at this subject.

Many people today are against this act, they class it as murder. Others say that it is needed, especially if there are signs that the child may have a serious disability and to be kind, the child should be aborted. There are arguments for both sides of this particular situation. Further to this, is the person who wants a very active sex life but doesn't want the repercussions, such as a child. Some women may be married and don't want their spouse to find out about this. Again, this is all debatable and arguments for and against may be favourable.

But, what does God feel about this subject. I will tell you plainly, He is horrified that an unborn baby should be terminated because they are just an embryo. Our passage today gives us a good insight into what I am describing. When David was in the womb he was not hidden from God v15. David declares 'Your eyes saw me when I was formless. David may well have been an embryo, but God knew that he was alive and He saw the finished product, a baby David.

Human life begins from the moment of conception. God didn't just see an embryo or foetus in the womb but He saw Israel's future king, David. He saw a thriving human being. Why would David say such a thing as 'all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began,' if he didn't believe it to be true? And it is the same for each one of us. When we were in our mother's womb, God saw us and longed for us to turn to Him when we were finally born. We are part of His divine plan.

Abortion has got to be wrong. It is murder. It is taking that unborn embryo's chance of life, it is robbery. Whatever the reason, and there are many, why abortion should take place; to accept abortion as an acceptable way of life should be stopped and classed as a crime. This of course is my opinion and I am sure that you have your own opinions on it. But let me leave you with this thought:
'How could a righteous woman turn against her own children to destroy them? Abortion is not only unthinkable, it is also the height of pagan barbarity.'  
                                                                                                        Pat Robertson, Spirit Filled Life Bible

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Thursday, 13 February 2025

Fearfully and wonderfully made

"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my 
soul knows very well."  
                             Psalm 139:13-14   NKJV

Today, many scientists believe that the world was created by evolution. But this is not true; we are not here by chance or the Big Bang Theory. We are here because God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, said in a mighty voice, 'Let there be light, and there was light' (Genesis 1:3). God created each one of us and also created this world. It is His, not the scientist's. David confirms this in verse 13 when he said that God had formed him and his inward parts in his mother's womb.

We too are part of God's creation; when He put us together by His hands. As David says 'I am fearfully and wonderfully made' v14. You were not a mistake, as some parents may have told their children; your existence was intentional because God never makes mistakes - never has, never will. You were created in the image of God.

How can some people look in the mirror and say that they're ugly. That is a lie from the pit. You were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. To say you are ugly is to say that God is ugly and that is not true at all. A person may feel that they are too fat or too thin; or not tall enough. Their hair is ginger when it should have been black. Come on, this is touching on vanity. God made you just the way He wanted to and He is satisfied so, do likewise.

People who are not satisfied with their appearance can tend to be lacking in confidence. Their self-worth can be rock-bottom and they search around trying to make themselves look better. They may drink lot's of alcohol because it makes them feel good. But this is only temporary because when they sober up, they are just the same. Others may spend lots of money to have their appearance changed - hairstyles or plastic surgery to name two of many. But did God really create you to have pink hair? Did He make a mistake and create you with big ears, a wonky nose or crooked teeth? No, you were fearfully and wonderfully made.

God looks at you and thinks that He made a good job in creating you. He wants you to do the same. He wants you confident, fearless and at peace. He wants you secure in yourself and in Him. Why? Because you are His creation and He loves you.

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

He holds us closely

If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.  Psalm 139:9-10. NKJV

God is everywhere and He knows everything - omnipresent and omniscient. David asked, 'Where can I go from your Spirit?' v7. But he knew that no one can escape God. 'Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. 9If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,'  v7-9. David knew that wherever, he would bump into God. He cannot be avoided. He inhabits the universe from top to bottom.

We need to accept and be grateful that, wherever we are, God's right hand will hold on to us V10. There isn't a shred of darkness too dark for us to hide from His sight v11. Just think, with God, the night shines like the day v12. Why is that? Because He is the Light John 8:12. So wherever we are or, whatever situation we are in He is ever-present. 

We can call on Jesus anytime of day or night and He will be there with us. Our pastor may sleep at night, as do the elders and our family and friends but, Jesus is wide awake ready, just in case we want to chat with Him. Many disabled people have emergency call facilities in the form of a necklace round their neck or a watch. If they fall over or become ill, they can press a button and there is a response. As Christians, Jesus is our call centre, we don't even need this because, if something happens to us, Jesus sees all and responds to our aid. Amazing.

These days it is difficult to even get a doctor's appointment, but Jesus' door is always available. But if it is so easy to speak with Jesus, why don't we do it more often? Why do we let things get so bad before we pray to Him. He is always beside us; He is always holding us closely to His side. He doesn't sleep, instead He watches over us just making sure that we are ok.

What a wonderful, loving position to be in. Jesus shows His care for us on a daily basis. Thank you Lord.

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

God knows us through and through

Lord, You have searched me and known me. 2You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.     P139:1-2  

Just think about that; God knows everything about us, what we think, what we are going to say and stop ourself, what we think of others etc. etc. He knows every last thing about us. Now from one point of view that is encouraging. From another, it is quite scary because, there are things that we would rather not let God know about. But that is impossible, He created each one of us, so He is going to know these things. Just consider that for a moment. When we have committed something that we know we shouldn't have committed, He knows. When we've said something about someone or thought it, God knows about that too. (v4) There is no escape from this.

God has placed a hedge around us. That is great because we know that He is protecting us, From another point of view, it can be unnerving because, this hedge prevents us doing what we would like to do at times. In other words, David was saying that he feels 'locked in, there is nowhere to run and hide.' Jonah must have felt this when he tried to run away from God instead of accepting His call to go to Nineveh. He escaped on a boat; got swallowed by a whale and then spewed up on an island somewhere. He could not escape.

None of us worried about this before we were saved; it just went over our heads. But now, it stares us in the face, we cannot hide from this fact. But why should we? Isn't it wonderful to realise that God loves us so much that He has our back? He watches over every part of our lives.
However, we need to realise that what we do and say, and allow in our hearts, He knows about that too. This may prevent us from doing these things but, also, it may not and we do them anyway. Then this is where the overpowering guilt takes over our lives.

There are things in our lives that we would rather not have - sinful thoughts, bad feelings towards people and sadly for some, adultery. If God knows about these things and yet still loves us, don't you think it is time to own up to them and break free from that locked in feeling that we have. "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.' John 8:18.

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Monday, 10 February 2025

Unshakeable faith

"Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, good! But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?”                   Daniel 3:15   NKJV

Some Chaldeans, who were obviously jealous of the status Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego had been given, despite being captives, noticed that they wouldn't bow down to the golden image and reported this to the king. We will always have this type of thing happen when we are in a favourable position in life and people notice that we are given special treatment. Jealousy usually precedes accusation and some people will do all they can to prevent you going further. This may have happened to you. It's not nice but, you must remember that if they did this to Jesus they will do it to you as well.

Nebuchadnezzar was furious when he heard this and immediately sent for the three boys. Despite being angry, he chose to flatter them and persuade them to see his point of view. Then he made a rather foolish statement: 'And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?' He might well have said 'No one, I repeat no one, not even God Himself, will be able to rescue you from my power.' It is a foolish person who tries to take God's place, Satan tried this and look what happened to him. 

Another thing that comes to mind is the king's temper. Verse 19 describes that he was livid and his face displayed fury. This led him to have the furnace heated seven times hotter than was safe, and doing this, he lost  some of his mighty men of valour in the process. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego survived the furnace with no scorch marks or even smell on their clothing. The king also noticed there was a forth person in the furnace who he called the Son of God v25.               

Their unshakeable faith led them through this ordeal. They overcame jealousy, false accusation, flattery and being persuaded to give up their faith and bow to the king. They stood their ground and refused to bow to another god. Their trust was firmly in God, and so He saved them from certain death.

At times, things can be tough, but when we have our trust in Jesus, He will never let us down and, as we see from the furnace event, He goes through these things with us. What a mighty God we serve.

Copyright 2025 Grahame Howard. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned. I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today. 
In Jesus' Name. Amen'  
If you would like to contact me,
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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Why are you still trying to do things on your own?

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much   fruit; for without Me you can do  nothing".     J...