"Oh taste and see that the LORD is good." Psalm 34:8
To taste something is to sip, savour or possibly to put into the mouth in order try out a new dish. In this verse, it can be defined in a similar manner by describing a first time encounter. Hence, to 'partake of, especially for the first time experience.' Allow me to give an example:
During my pastoral training and often afterwards, I used a special method of describing Jesus to someone, in the street or wherever I was. I would ask them to pretend they had never tasted, eaten or even heard of a Mars bar. I would go on to say how it was full of malt, caramel, fudge and covered in gorgeous, rippling milk chocolate. It was then wrapped in brown and red paper with a picture of the bar on the front and it sat there waiting to be opened and eaten. I would get the person to imagine what it felt like as they began to eat it. Then I would tell them that I could talk about this all of the day but unless they put it in their mouth and tried it, they would never know what it tasted like. And this is how it is when we discuss Jesus with someone. We could tell them how wonderful He is and how He can change their lives; but until they try Him (taste) for themselves, they would never know.
This evangelistic method, gave me quite a lot of success when I was witnessing on the streets and I used it on a regular basis. However, when I sat an exam and wrote about this, my lecturer marked me down as he felt offended that I had compared Jesus to a chocolate bar. I tried to explain that many people had accepted Jesus because of it but it fell on deaf ears. Understand this, you can never please everyone so stop trying. I carried on using this method of evangelism and it still works. Never let anyone stop you from doing God's work.
Each one of us had to taste Jesus in order to find out what He was like. The world is a counterfeit in comparison to Heaven. Consider it for yourselves; yes it is brilliant to be alive and to be able to enjoy the things of the earth such as, nature, wildlife and all of the beauty around. It's also wonderful to have people love us and we love them; and yet, without Jesus something is always missing. For some people, drugs, booze, sex and crazy living are ok for a time, but it's only a temporary buzz. Some people want more, so they try more drugs, booze, sex and crazy living. Some end up paying a heavy price by losing their lives - all because they were searching for that 'special something more.'
That special something more is called Jesus and He's the greatest 'something more', that we could ever have. Do you know that? You have to taste Him and see that He is the business; He meets the needs; He bridges the gap. Why not taste Him and see.
'Lord Jesus, I need You in my life. Please forgive my sin and come and live in my heart. I've blown it so many times that I don't know where to turn, except to You. I want to taste You and see what You can do in my life. Come and help me Jesus. Amen
If you've said that prayer, you're born again. Tell someone and get the Christian help you need.
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard