Monday, 24 December 2018

You need to rest

24 December 2018

Mark 11:31

'And He (Jesus) said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.: For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.'

Life was busy for Jesus and His disciples. People were desperate to see Him; be healed by Him and generally witness the miracles He was performing. The disciples had been out and about telling people of Jesus and working among the five thousand that had been miraculously fed. They were shattered. Jesus could see this and encouraged them to take some respite.
Hurrying all over the place and doing this, that and the other wears us out, causes us stress and can cause anger as we try to meet all the goals and expectations of ourselves and others. It's not good for us and we need to take time out, even if it's just stopping for a coffee or chat. You may say that you have no time for this, especially at this time of year but you really need to find time. Wearing yourself out can lead to long term illness, arguments and strains on family and friends that really shouldn't be there.
This Christmas, enjoy yourself but make sure that you rest too. You know it makes sense! If Jesus said to rest, you need to heed His Word.

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