Tuesday, 22 January 2019


22 January 2019

Bartimaeus.  (Mark 10:46 - 52)
Jesus was becoming very popular and wherever He went, He drew crowds. Some wanting Him to meet their needs and heal them; some curious and wanting to see what all the fuss was about; and then, the people who were against Him and wanted to stir up trouble wherever they went. Nothing has really changed today when you think about it, except that Jesus doesn't walk around the area like He was here.

There was a young chap called Bartimaeus. He had been blind from birth and was like an outcast. he couldn't work because of his disability so He had to beg, as no one else was there to really care for Him. He had heard the stories about Jesus and excitement was beginning build within him at the news that He was visiting his area. He sat  the side of the road waiting.

To be born blind in Jesus' day was thought to be the result of sin within the family, either the parents or the child. (John 9:2ff.) Bartimaeus therefore, had little going for himself and no one loved him or cared what happened to him. There are many in our day and age who also fit into this category - people with certain addictions, ex forces and ex prisoners to name but a few. This is one of the reasons why our streets are occupied by homeless people. They are the misfits of our society. When I was pastoring a certain church, we used to have many of them visit us at our day centre and thereafter, at our services. I was asked if I would consider having two services, one for the church members and one for the 'Down and outs.' I told this person that if they could show me in the bible where Jesus was reported to have done this, I would consider it. Obviously that finished the conversation.

Jesus was here. Bartimaeus jumped to his feet when he heard that Jesus was walking by. He knew this was his only chance and he was going to take it. 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.' He kept shouting this over and over, despite people around him telling him to be quiet. Then the moment came he had been dreaming about. Jesus heard him and called him to come forward. Bartimaeus ran over to Him, leaving his cloak behind, possibly his only possession. Jesus asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?' He replied 'Rabboni - which means My Great One - that I may see.' Jesus told him, 'Go your way, your faith has made you well.' Immediately his sight was restored and he chose to follow Jesus.

Life would never be the same again for him. He had been healed - I know that feeling so well, see my testimony - he had called on Jesus and scripture was fulfilled, 'For whoever calls upon the name of the lord shall be saved.'  Romans 10:13. God is a God of the second chance.

Do you need a touch from Jesus? Are you sick? Do you believe Jesus can deal with this - that is the condition, faith. Why not get on your knees and cry out to Him now and listen for those lovely words, 'What do you want me to do for you?'

'Lord Jesus, I call out to You today. I want to be well, please heal me. Amen'

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