Saturday, 26 January 2019

Honourable and Trustworthy

Honourable and trustworthy

Please read Genesis 41:37 - 57
Joseph had taken quite a few knocks in his short life. His brothers were jealous of him because of Jacob's favouritism towards him. As a young lad Joseph had perhaps been over zealous talking about the dreams that he had, describing him as a leader over them. They decided enough was enough and eventually sold him to travellers and he ended up in Egypt working in an officials house.

Joseph had favour from God and excelled in his work within the house. Therefore, the official - Potiphar promoted him to be in charge of the whole house and servants. Unfortunately, Potiphar's wife made sexual advances towards him but even though he refused her offers, he was accused of attempted rape and thrown into prison. Still God's favour was upon him and he was very quickly put in the position looking after the whole jail.

Eventually, because of Joseph's gift of interpreting dreams, he was brought before Pharaoh and asked to interpret  dreams that he had had - dreams that no one else could interpret. The Chief Butler remembered that Joseph had interpreted a dream for him and the Chief Baker, one in which he had promised he would tell Pharaoh about. He had forgotten and now it was two years later.
Pharaoh told Joseph about the two dreams he had had and Joseph was able to tell him that the dreams meant there was to be seven years of abundance and then a seven year famine and there was a need to prepare for this.

Pharaoh was astounded at the gift of this young man and said, "Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God." Verse 38. Pharaoh knew there was something different about Joseph and recognised it was God. This is very similar to when Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4. In verse 13 we read, "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And they realised that they had been with Jesus." I call this 'Impact evangelism,' the type where one doesn't really have to say anything but people around notice that there is a difference in you.

God had recognised the talent and the faithfulness of Joseph. He had seen the tolerance and the patience; the diligence and the integrity that Joseph had, and He was ready to reward this man.
Pharaoh at once recognised this in Joseph and made him the second in command in Egypt. In fact, he was made the Prime Minister. Pharaoh gave him his signet ring which represented - 'Seal bearer to the king.' and from thereon, he was a highly trusted official in the land of Egypt.
His story is a rags to riches one and shows us how God honours His people. You may never be promoted to Prime Minister - and let's face it, who would want that? However, God will recognise all you do for Him, even though at the time you may not notice this, especially through the bad times.
Joseph got out of bed that morning a prisoner but went to bed that evening the Prime Minister.

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