Thursday, 24 January 2019



"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."   Proverbs 23:7

Let's try a little self analysis. Ask yourself:

* What do I think of myself?
* What do I think about situations I meet on a daily basis?
* What do I think in general?

Our thoughts can control our day and life if we allow them too. We can have mental battles in our heads, followed by conversations that are potentially dangerous to relationships and life in general.
However, it's all in our heads but if we begin to believe it, we are sucked into thinking that it is really happening. It can be anything from what a person thinks about you to a marital relationship.

Romans 12:2 tells us that we need to renew our minds. This literally means, changing the way we think and what we focus on. It is seeing things differently and changing our perspective.

Philippians 4:8 reads:
"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."

Basically this scripture is leading us to think about Jesus because He has all of these characteristics and more. Just stop and think for a moment, if God was to write a report about your thoughts, how would they read? Would it be a good report or an embarrassing one?
Think, can I honestly say that what God finds in my mind is of a good report? If not, then perhaps this is the place to start work by renewing the mind Romans 12:2.

It is very possible to turn things around - to change things. However, it starts with changing our focus and perception; changing how we think and act and having the determination to succeed.

God thinks you're a nice person. He loves you more than words could ever say. He always thinks the best of you. Therefore, He is on your side and wants to help you change things around.

Start right now. Draw near to Jesus. His arms are open wide.

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