Thursday, 21 February 2019

Don't be Afraid

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled , neither let it be afraid" John 14:27 NKJV

'Why has this happened to me, Why? I've never hurt anyone. It's not fair.' This is the kind of stuff that we come up with when the chips are down. When we have done all we can to sort something out and the problem is still there. Why?
We may be dealing with major problems such as our health - a serious diagnosis, or someone who is close, who needs help. It may be a work problem or the fact that no matter how hard you've tried, you find out that your job is coming to end and you'll be unemployed. 'What about the bills? or 'What about the mortgage?' These fears may be upper most in your mind. Someone may have been robbed, credit and debit cards cloned and are penniless. Then again, it may be something very tragic that has all of sudden taken place.

Certain emotional issues can hit us hard and when this happens we can feel totally inadequate and helpless. Some of the things that we may face are:

Immobilisation. We can feel numb to the situation and can't make any sense of what has happened. Confusion begins to set in and it is probably very difficult to think things through.
Minimisation. Some may try to deny what has happened because they need to be strong - for the family and can't be seen to be weak at a time such as the.
Anger. Tempers can erupt as the mind cannot process why it has happened and has a defence mechanism which can fly off the handle, because we're scared and unable to change things at this time.
Depression. This is always around, waiting to take us under its wing. It can be a safe place to be, especially if we can't cope with life at the present.
 However, it should not be allowed to carry on for a length of time without seeing a doctor.

Take another look at the scripture above. Jesus tells us that He wants to give us peace in the hurting time. He also tells us not to be afraid. He is in control, if we allow Him to be. Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue came to see Jesus one day and fell at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come to his house as his daughter was very ill and close to death. Jesus agreed but on the way, He got held up with another person who also needed a healing touch. This took a little time and someone came from Jairus' house and told him that his daughter had died. Jesus heard this and said to Jairus, 'Do not be afraid; only believe and she will be made well.' And she was.  Luke 8:40 - 56.

That is the requirement. Inviting Jesus to come and help you and believing He can. He may be the only one who can and He can give you the peace you need whilst He is helping you.

Why not say this prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I am so confused and full of panic. I just don't know what to do. Please will You help me with this....................................................... I really am quite scared but I see that You don't want me to be this way. You don't want me to be afraid. You want me to believe, which I do right now.You promise me peace and a troubled free time as I go through this situation. You're all I've got that can really help me and I'm pouring my heart out to You at this moment. Please come and help me/us because I believe that you have the answer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now try and relax and keep believing Jesus.

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