Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Enter into His Gates with thanksgiving

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise". Psalm 100:4 NKJV

For some people, going to church can be a very vulnerable time. For ministers, worship musicians and other people involved in the work of the church, this can be an opportunity for the devil to attack. Let me explain. The minister or pastor is focused on the sermon he has to preach. He or she needs to spend time with God before they leave home. For some, this can be difficult, especially if there are young children around demanding their attention and their partner lets them know that the washing machine has broken down, flooding the kitchen. Probably, an extreme example. However, anything that comes in the way of the minister spending special time with God, can be a distraction.
Then there is the journey to church, clearing frost from the windscreen and then having to de-mist the internal screen, making them late to get to church. Once on the way, it can seem that every slow driver in the world is in front. Temporary traffic lights, JCB's, hold ups. This can all play on the mind.

It may be then, that the minister and partner have a few words. Stress and pressure has built up and a few harsh words spoken can then turn into a full-scaled war. Finally arriving at church, the false smile is adopted, as if you're all the perfect family. However, deep down, the devil's rattling the chains and accusing you of hypocrisy. As you walk to the church doors, there is a massive sign saying:


I speak from experience here. I can remember a few times that my wife and I have had this happen to us and when it's come to the sermon, I've seen her face staring at me as if to say, 'Come on pastor, preach your sermon on love and marriage.' Ouch!

People, try not to bother your pastor with problematic things before a service. Instead, pray for him or her. It really is a most vulnerable time and one in which the devil is skilled in trying to disrupt.
Pastor, make sure you have the time set aside on your own, to prepare. Get up earlier if need be. Recognise that this is battle time.
Congregation, make sure also that you are standing firm. This type of stuff doesn't only happen to the ministers; it can happen to you too. Check yourself out. Make sure the armour is on and that you attend church to give as well as receive. And then, we can all Enter into His Gates with Praise.

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