Tuesday, 12 February 2019


"My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Many years ago, my faith led me into a dodgy situation, one where I was on the verge of losing my job, because I was a Christian. I was a social worker at the time and the only Christian in the whole complex. One of the other social workers, who openly admitted that he didn't like Christians,  caused a problem by stating that my faith could become a problem dealing with some of the cases. This was untrue and was made to single me out as someone who was a liability.

This social worker was very 'well in' with the other team members, whilst I had only been in this particular team, about a year. He made such a fuss over this accusation that it became an official complaint. I had done nothing, except be a Christian, and I was totally exasperated by it all.
A day was allocated when I would have to answer the complaint made against me. The complaint, was hypothetical, one that had not even happened but could cause a problem if it did. It was about homophobia. This chap felt that I would not be able to work with people who were gay, because of my faith and how God felt about this. This was ridiculous. I had worked with gay people before and it had never been a problem. I was there to be of help, not to judge people. However, they wouldn't listen to this and I was going to be hanged before a trial.

The first half of the meeting was about what could happen and how they felt it was too sensitive to have me on the team. In the second half of the meeting, I would have to explain myself - why I felt this was not a problem. However, I was up against a no win situation. they had already made their decision.
It was lunch time and I sat in some gardens just giving it all to God. This was so unfair. I was being victimised and also it was persecution and a kind of religionism against me. And yet, there was nothing I could do. Suddenly I felt God say to me, 'My Grace is sufficient for you. Don't worry, it'll be ok.' When I went back for the second half of the meeting, it was almost like God took over everything. Even when I spoke, He was in control of my words. The meeting ended where they found I had done nothing wrong whatsoever and I was vindicated. For my own peace of mind, I moved to another team and it wasn't long before the team I had left, were disbanded and moved to other areas, separately.

You know, people can try but they'll never be able to take God on and win. I was in a difficult position but as I cried out to God, He came and sorted it.

What about you? Are you going through a difficult time? Are you being mistreated? Give it to God, He is the master at sorting things out. 'Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more'Romans 5:20

God's grace is sufficient for you. You may be weak, but God is so strong and He is committed to you. Trust Him, He so wants to help.

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