Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Our 'Soul'

"Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!
Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits. 
Who forgives all your iniquities. Who heals all your diseases. Who redeems your life from destruction. Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."  Psalm 103:1 - 5. NKJV

The word 'soul' mentioned here in this scripture is made up of your Mind, Will and Emotions. The dictionary explanation is:

'The animating and vital principle in humankind credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion.' ( Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary )

So in a nutshell, it is connected with our thoughts - what we think about things, our action - what we do about certain things and our emotion - how we handle each and every situation. In this Psalm by King David, he is encouraging us to bless God in all things, with everything that we have got within us - our mind, will and emotions. It is so important, that he mentions it twice 'Bless the Lord O my soul'. God has given us life and everything we have and will have in the future. There are many people who have left this world who would give anything to be able to do this.
Let us take a look at what is on offer here:

We are not to forget His benefits. Now, let me say this. God's benefits are not means tested. What He offers us, we get. It is not given in one hand and taken back out of the other. We get it all.
Whatever we do wrong, as we confess this to Jesus, he forgives. We make many mistakes and He knows we will continue to do so, but He is forgiving. That doesn't mean though, that we can go out and paint the town red, white and purple, sinning here, there and everywhere because we know He'll forgive us. A word of caution, we should never test the Lord. He is patient but He will not be messed about by this type of deliberate action.
He is a healing God and His desire is that we should be in good health. He is Jehovah Rapha, which basically means the Lord heals. The meaning in Hebrew is that He mends and cures. We should go to Him, believing that he can and will heal us of all diseases. The healing can be instant, and I've seen this happen. At other times, it can be long and drawn out and He may not heal us the way we expect Him to. However, we should never doubt. Always live in biblical hope.
He redeems us from destruction. I can certainly testify to this. Just over a year ago, I was washed out to sea as I walked along the beach in a storm. Try as I may, I could not get back to the shore line so that I could get out, as large waves washed me back. Out of nowhere, the hand of a lady, pulled me out to safety. I don't know who she was or where she came from. But I was rescued. That is one way of being redeemed from destruction. However, He also redeems us from death. One day we'll all have to stand before Him and give an account of our life. If Jesus is your Saviour, you are redeemed. If not it'll be too late.
He crowns with His kindness, His love and helps us be content, giving us His mercy. He loves us so much.
He provides all we need, from clothes and food, to friendship, love and security. He is all we need.He makes us feel content, blessed and satisfied. He also revitalises and refreshes us giving us the strength to get through each and every situation. And He reserves a place for us in Heaven.

Now, I don't know about you, but that is my God. His love is endless. He is faithful and with us always. The thing is, if you don't know Him, I could talk alike this forevermore. You have to try Him out for yourself. You'll believe me then.

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