Thursday 7 March 2019

Remember the Victories

'Cross over before the ark of the LORD Your God into the midst of the Jordan and each one of you take up a stone on his shoulder according to the number of tribes of the children of Israel, that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, 'What do these stones mean to you.' " Joshua 4:5 - 6. NKJV

The crossing of the Jordan had taken place and the Israelites would be in the Promised Land. God told Joshua to build a Memorial both in the river, even though it would be covered with water very soon, and then on dry land where the priests had stood. These would represent the twelve tribes.

Memorials are witnesses and reminders of things we should remember, like heroic battles and heroic people. Here, people of the future would ask what are the stones there for and they would learn about the way, God performed mighty miracles, parting the Red Sea and then the flooded River Jordan. They would learn that, even though things may look impossible, we have a God who can make things happen in a most victorious way. (Nothing is too hard for Him - Jeremiah 32:17)

From thereon, whenever people saw these stones they would remember that, God is with them and that He is to be trusted to and He is a way though the dark and frightening path.
Just think for a moment, a raging, flooded river being piled up to allow the Israelites to pass through and that's not to mention the mighty Red Sea being parted. Amazing. That is Your God. God had promised them that they would enter the Promised Land and He kept that promise.

Many times when God is leading us to do a particular thing, we need encouragement. The information we want is:

*  We need to know God is in this. If He's in it, we'll win it!
*  Reassurance  -  If God can stop a flooded river, He can do things for us. We need to know this.

The Memorial stones would be a reminder to all who saw them and as we read the bible, to us too as we remember all He has done for us in the past and realise that He won't stop there. Things like this make us grateful to Him for being so faithful.

What are you facing? Read about all God has done for the people of the bible and for others around the world in this present age. He keeps His promises; He'll lead you to victory (although the road may be a tough one along the way). If you need healing, ask Him and wait patiently, thanking Him for His love and kindness. If you don't know Him, ask Him to introduce Himself to you. He will. Why? Because He is madly in love with you!

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...