Wednesday 3 April 2019

God is with you

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"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned. Nor shall the flame scorch you."  Isaiah 43:2. NKJV

Pressures and trials overwhelm us and it's almost like we can drown in them at times. We feel the heaviness of them and can feel that we're sinking because of the weight. However, as we look at God, He helps us to tread water. They are common to man. Everyone goes through bad times periodically.  Notice here in this scripture, God's Word says 'When you pass through,' not 'If you pass through.' We all go through times of grief, sorrow, sickness, depression, fear and anxiety just to mention a few. What you're going through today is not unique. 
God will take you through the toughest of circumstances. The level of the trial may be varied, rather like stepping into a still river or a raging sea or perhaps a major fire. But God will bring you through this very difficult time. In fact, He will be with you during it.

We only have to look at the three sons of Judah who were thrown into the Babylonian furnace. This furnace had been made incredibly hotter, nothing could survive it, even the man in control of the furnace. And yet, they walked through this fire, joined by a fourth person - the Angel of the Lord and when they were brought out, they were not burnt, their clothes were intact and there was not even a smell of smoke on them. Why? Because God was with them as He is you. He will take you through this situation. (See Daniel 3:19-25)

At times such as this, it is natural to become anxious, fearful and panicky. However, try not to. If you put God in control, He will pull you through this. The outcome however, you have to leave to Him. He will though, be at your side and get you to the other side of the situation. 

God loves you and doesn't want you to be anxious. He knows where you are at this moment - what you're going through; what you're dreading. And He cares. Spend some time with Him. If He can join some people in a furnace and bring them out unscathed, He can meet you where you are at this time. 

Keep looking up

Please let me know if you need prayer.

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...