Friday, 5 April 2019

Let go of the greed

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"Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness."  Luke 11:39. NKJV

A few years ago, a collection of wildlife people went to some dark and distant rain forest in search of a very rare breed of monkey. When they arrived and had set up camp, they erected a specially designed table on the uneven jungle floor. This table was wooden with vases bolted to it. The vases were wide at the bottom but slimmed out towards the neck and then became slightly wider again. Each jar was filled, halfway, with very aromatic nuts. After they had done this, they took cover and waited. 
After a time, several monkeys came along and were drawn towards the aromatic smell from the vases. Included in these bunch of monkeys, were the rarer ones. The monkeys began sniffing around and eventually plunged their hairy hands into the vases grabbing a fist full of these delights. However, because of the fact that the necks were very slim, and their hands were now fists full of these nuts, they were unable to pull them out. The monkeys tried all they could but to no avail. They never gave it a thought that if they let go of the nuts, they could draw their hands out and be free. Thus, they were caught. The monkey's greed and stubbornness imprisoned them.

Let's look at this from a human point of view. How many people are imprisoned by their greed. Years ago, one had to go to great lengths to take out a loan. Criteria was quite strict. Today, things are so different. We have credit cards that make it so simple to overspend in order to get that special something that someone else has. This may be the latest iPhone, Macbook, sound system, TV, car or a bigger and more extravagant home. 
For many, before too long, the bills are so high that it is impossible to keep up the payments and then the pressures really start.

Stop and think for a moment. Do you really need the item that is burning a hole in your finances? Can you manage without it for a time; at least until you have saved enough money to buy it without credit? At times, there is a sense of urgency that we must have this certain thing, right now!. That's ok if you can afford it. However, closing your eyes to the fact and saying to yourself, 'I'll worry about this when the bill comes in,' is not the way to handle your finances. If you can't meet the payments, it will mean court action, bailiffs and all types of stress. Think before you spend. The monkey's wanted aromatic delights and in their insistence to have them, they were caught and imprisoned in their plight. Don't be like them.

I would love to hear from you. 

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...