Sunday, 26 May 2019


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'Happy are your men and happy are these your servants , who stand continually  before you and hear your wisdom. Blessed be the LORD your God who delighted in you, setting you on His throne to be king for the LORD your God!'     2 Chronicles 9:7. NKJV

The Queen of Sheba had heard of Solomon's great wisdom and wanted an audience with him, to test him. She travelled around 1500 miles to do this, from what is now known as Yemen. She wanted to know if what she was hearing, was true. When she did meet him, she was astounded at his great wisdom and the way happiness appeared to rule in his household. What a wonderful witness it is when people see God in us and how He has blessed us! It is something that must be uppermost in our lives.

David Guzik writes : 'It is a joyful thing to serve a great, wise and rich king. If it was a happy thing to serve Solomon, it is a much happier thing to serve Jesus.'

Blessed means happy and this was what Jesus was referring to when He quoted the beatitudes to the people in Matthew 5:1-12. Jesus wants His people happy in all they do. But are we? Be honest, are you really happy? If not, why not? What is blocking your happiness. As a Christian, Jesus has given all we need to live happy lives. Yes, we suffer persecution; we suffer problems within our families and business life. The same rain that falls on a non-believer falls on a believer too. We don't all of a sudden become excluded from what the world has to throw at us. We will suffer death and heartache; pain and suffering. We'll have good and bad days just the same. The difference is, we have Jesus to share our days with and I would sooner have Him on my side throughout the day than go it alone.

Being happy brings us joy and we know that joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Furthermore, we're told in Proverbs 17:22 that, 'A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.' Being happy - being joyful, is a recipe for being content and having a good attitude to life. What is your attitude like at times?

Being happy comes down to choice. Yes, at times of great pain and loss, it is incredibly hard to be anything but sad. But trying to find a way through this darkness - step by step, can lead us to freedom. It takes time, but a happy heart can heal a thousand woes in our life.

Saying this to people may bring the response, 'You don't know what I've been through.' That is so true, but neither do they know what you've been through either. We have choices in life and God wants us to choose the right ones. Being happy, with a right attitude and a determination that, 'Whatever, I may face, I'm going to do this,' can be such a winner to your soul. 

God wants to bless you - make you happy. Why not allow Him to make a start, today!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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