Saturday, 4 May 2019


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"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."   Matthew 5:11-12 NKJV

Whenever one becomes a Christian there will be a day when persecution comes your way. It is all around us. The devil doesn't like us - at all. Therefore, he will drag up false accusations against us so that our names will be tainted and we will lose our integrity.

One only has to look in Genesis 39 where we see Joseph being enticed by Potiphar's wife for sexual pleasures. Joseph refused and finally ran out of the house to escape from her seductions. However, she grabbed his garment as he fled and then used this as false evidence to accuse Joseph of attempted rape. For this false accusation, he was imprisoned.

Christians all over the world are suffering persecution and brutal crime just because of their faith. In some countries, some Christian men are executed because they will not deny Jesus. Some of the women and children suffer rapes and also death. The world is evil, especially towards the Christian.

We have to be so careful what we do and say, especially about areas such as,  homosexuality. I personally have been accused of homophobia because the bible says that God finds this act an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22/20:13). Note that it says it is the act, God finds an abomination, not the person. God loves the person with all of His heart. And so should we. We are not called to judge anyone, especially because of their choice of sexual partners. They have free will the same as we do. We as Christians, do not have to agree with their life style though. And that is our choice. It is not homophobia, it is down to our faith and our choice. As I say, I was called a homophobic because of my faith. The devil loves to twist things and leads us into problems.

We will suffer persecution as we make a stand for Jesus. If they murdered Jesus, on the cross, they will not stop with us. We represent Jesus. We are His ambassadors here on earth and therefore, it comes with a price.

However, look at the end of the book - we win! And with a great reward too. If you're suffering for your faith at this time, do what the scripture say -Rejoice because great is your reward. 

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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