Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The Road to Emmaus

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Please read Luke 24:13 - 43 for the whole picture

It was a boiling hot day as we walked the seven miles from Jerusalem to the small village of Emmaus. My friend and I had witnessed the awful crucifixion that Jesus had to undergo. We were both feeling broken and confused. I mean, we had expected Jesus to redeem Israel and be our ruler. Now He was dead and worse still, His body had gone missing. Some of the women were quite vocal as they kept shouting that He had risen. We were unsure about this, in fact, the whole scenario confused us.

Suddenly, this other fellow joined us on the walk. He looked familiar but I really couldn't place Him. Just another face in the crowd, I suppose. Without asking if He could join in with our conversation, He asked us what we were discussing and why we looked so sad. I said to Him, 'Surely you've heard the news or are you the only one for miles who doesn't know about things.?' 
'What things" He asked. I was totally dumbfounded. "Is this guy having a laugh with us,' I thought?
My friend explained all that had happened. I was too agitated to speak. My friend explained all about the arrest, the crucifixion and how the body was now missing. 
'Everyone had hoped He would change things for the better,' I said, my irritability under control now. 'However, whatever happens now, there'll be little change. We're guttered.'

All of a sudden, this guy started talking all about Jesus as if He knew Him personally. He talked about something called the Gospel and then eternal life. He spoke about God as if He knew Him also. It was strange but exciting too. He spoke with so much knowledge and passion, that when we reached our turnoff to Emmaus, we begged Him to come and stay the night with us. He agreed and we went to our home. As we began to eat, the most strangest of things happened, He broke the bread and blessed it just like Jesus had done before His death. WHAT? Oh goodness me, it is Jesus!

With that, He vanished. It was like a light had been switched on in our brains and we could understand everything. Yes, it was Jesus of Nazareth. We both felt heart-warmed, in fact very different. It was like we had been having lots of head knowledge, but now, it was coming from the heart.

We set off again- back to Jerusalem, practically running. We had to tell someone, hopefully Peter. I for one couldn't contain the joy that was bubbling up within me. I'm sure my friend felt the same because all he could do was keep laughing out loud.  When we arrived, we found Peter and the others and suddenly Jesus was there as well. It was the most amazing time of my life.


These two disciples had started out with head knowledge, but after spending quality time with Jesus, their heart's were burning with fire. What about you? Have you head knowledge? You study the Word and know it inside out but it doesn't come from the heart? There's something missing. That fire that can only come from Jesus. Jesus is not looking for academics; He's looking for Spirit Filled men and women of God, those who have had their heart warmed until it is burning hot. People who'll stop at nothing to spread the Word of God around wherever. Do you fit in here? Yes or no?

You know that some people go deeper with Jesus - don't you? You've longed for that - haven't you? Why not do something about it, right now?

'Lord Jesus, I know You - I think. I've asked You into my heart; but there's something missing. I need You to fill me with the Fire of The Holy Spirit. Please Lord, I mean business with You. I want to go much deeper than I ever have before. Please help me Jesus.  Amen.'

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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