Thursday, 23 May 2019


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"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!"   Psalm 27:14. NKJV

There's not many people who like waiting for things to happen, especially myself. I become bored quite quickly and want to get on with things. The problem is, that can be a recipe for disaster. If we rush in without giving things much thought, we can get it wrong. I have found this out on many occasions.

Here the Psalmist, David, encourages us to wait on the the Lord. because then, we will be strengthened. Rather like Isaiah tells us in Isaiah 40:31:

'But those who wait on the LORD, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.'

An eagle never flaps. It is often buzzed by other birds who are fearful that it is about to strike their young. However, all it does is rise above all the rest of the birds, very high where perhaps they are unlikely to follow. It doesn't really flap its wings; it soars at an incredible speed, its size giving the impression that it's a small aircraft. It offers a great analogy to humans that we should rise above the flak that comes our way, avoiding worry and anxiety - something we all need to take on board at times and soar to new heights instead of dropping into the doldrums.

Therefore, we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord. How do we do this, you may ask? Well, by remembering how God has acted for you in the past. How His timing was perfect and He intervened just at the right time. As RT Kendall often says, 'He is never early; never late, He's always on time.' And this is so true.
You may be a new Christian and may not remember so easily what God has done for you in such a short time. However, if you stop and think for a moment about that first time He came into your life; that wonderful feeling of freedom that you had; as if you were sailing on the breeze, that warm, internal glow. Well, that is what God did for you and he will do something similar in the future - if you ask Him. So encourage yourself in Him.

At times, waiting for God can be difficult. It isn't that He will deliberately keep you waiting to test your patience. He could do that and may have been doing it already. However, usually, He will wait until the time is right. We are His children and He wants what is best for us. He doesn't wish for us to dash into something like a bull in a china shop and then get it all wrong, where we require some bailing out. No, He wants us to be courageous and build our strength for what lies ahead. He only has our best interests at heart.

Therefore, if your are in the Waiting Room, you are not alone. Enjoy it and know that Your Father is preparing the ground well for your next move, whatever that may be. Don't confess things like, 'I'm at my wits end waiting.' Instead say, 'I am receiving power to overcome; the Lord is increasing my strength.'

That's a much better way of looking at things.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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