Monday, 3 June 2019

"I can't do this - Yes you can!"

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"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."  
                                                                                                                Romans 8:37. NKJV

To be a conqueror means you're one who overcomes by gaining control. Does that sum you up? Are you a person who quickly gains the control over things that come against you so quickly that you don't really have the time to think? Yes you are but you may need to re-tune a few things.

As a Christian, one who has the power of God Almighty dwelling within your heart, you should never say, 'I can't do this', because you can - with God's help; because you are more than a conqueror. The bible says you are and that does not lie. It is full of truth. Therefore, in the words of Smith Wiggesworth, 'if God says it, I believe it and that settles it.'

Bob Gass says, "Life will either bless you or bury you. The difference lies in having the right attitude. When they throw dirt at you - and they will, just shake it off and step on it."

A conqueror stays in control of things. A more than a conqueror person has Jesus in them and therefore has the help of Heaven at his or her grasp. The thing is we need to be dead to reaction. A hot-headed person reacts without thinking first and makes a complete mess of things, stirring up hurt and destruction wherever they may be. There is no control in this. This person is not a conqueror, let alone a more than conqueror. A more than conqueror takes things on the chin and thinks things through before acting, if at all. Where do you fit in this? Is there room for improvement?

A more than conqueror never says, "I can't'. He or she knows that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. (Philippians 4:13) However, this verse must be read as doing things in Christ's power, not in your own. He is the superior one, not us.

God wants each of us to have the victory through Jesus. He wants us well; He wants us holy; He wants us honest and truthful; He wants us humble, not puffed up; He wants people to see Jesus in each one of us by the things that we do and say each and everyday. 

Ask yourself, 'Do people see Jesus in me - in my reactions; in how I speak and handle things; in how I live my life? Self evaluation is a good thing. Here, the question is, 'What do people see in me?' 'Do they see Jesus?' You may say, "I can't live up to His expectation of me." Yes you can, because if Jesus lives in you you are more than a conqueror. 'Yes, but you don't know what I have to put up with in my life.' No, I don't; but God does and He still says that you are more than a conqueror through Him who loved us.

So change your, 'I can't,' into, 'I can'. Watch your reactions and be in control of every situation by allowing Jesus to operate through your life more and more. A final thing, make sure that your time with Jesus is regular, every day; praying, reading the Word and spending time with Him. More than conquerors need this daily!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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