Saturday, 15 June 2019

"I'm fine thank you"

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Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick."
                                                                                                       Matthew 9:12. NKJV

Jesus was talking with some tax collectors and others and made this statement to the Pharisees, who had accused Him of eating with them and other sinners. Jesus made it clear that 'tax collectors and sinners' are the reason He came to earth - to reach these people and change their lives. He wanted them well!

On the subject of being well, how many times do we tell people that we are ok when we're not? We may have a raging headache or other ailment or even a major problem, but we answer them with a lie. I remember seeing my doctor a few years ago. When I walked into the surgery, the conversation went something like this:

"Oh, hello, come in, how are you?' I replied, 'I'm fine thanks, really well.' He looked at me and said, 'Then why are you here?'

It really made me think. This is something that we all do. We see people in the street and in the short greeting, we tell them that we're fine, when really, we're not. Mostly, the answer is a general one. We don't share our personal stuff with people we don't know very well. However, what about others; people at church? I know for a fact that I have attended on a Sunday and said that I'm fine when I'm far from it. Is it that we're embarrassed with people, or if we hold an important role at the church, we're not supposed to be ill or depressed?

We need to be real. We need to be honest with people. That way, people can pray for us and show us that they care. We can also do the same for others when they say they're not feeling too good. But when we're in a conversation with someone who shares that they have a sickness or a problem in their life, give them your whole attention. Show them that you care and are willing to listen; and willing to try and help. Don't just pat them on the shoulder, say you'll pray for them and walk away. That type of thing is so demoralising, but sadly it is a regular thing in some circles.

How would Jesus want us to be with people who are in need. We only have to look in the Gospels to see His love in action. We need to be more like Him. There's a lot of hurting people in this world and, if we claim to be a Christian, then we are His ambassador and He would want us to handle things just like He did. You say, I can't be like Jesus. Of course you can. He lives in your heart; the Holy Spirit has taken up residence there too. He told us to 'lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.' Mark 16:18.

What more do you want. People need you; they need help. God says go, then go!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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