Friday, 7 June 2019

The Name of Jesus

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"9 Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name  which is above every name, 10 that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of this in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father."  Philippians 2 9-11. NKJV

The power in the Name of Jesus is amazing. It is the Name above all names. Let us look at  the name of Jesus in a breakdown form:

  J - Justice. Jesus brings justice to everything that we place in His hands. The world may
                       use and abuse us but as we cast things over to the King, He takes care of 
                       every issue, and brings us out on top. He is totally committed to us and will
                       stop at nothing to bring justice into our lives.

  E - Elite.     This can be classed as the best or most skilled members of a group. One only
                       has to take for example, the Special Air Service (SAS). They are considered
                       the best fighting group in the world, therefore Elite fits their reputation very
                       Jesus has given us a place in His group (family) and we are the Elite. We lack
                       for nothing and through Jesus, we can do all things. We are Elite members of 
                       His Kingdom and we need to recognise and receive that.

  S - Salvation
                       Through His death on the cross, He has made the way possible to have a
                       a place in Heaven. We have done nothing to gain this place. Jesus did it for
                       us. Salvation is a Greek word meaning Soteria. It means deliverance, preserv-
                       ation, soundness, prosperity, happiness, rescue and general well-being. It is a
                       present possession with a fuller realisation in the future. 

  U - Unmerited Favour
                       There was or is nothing that anyone can do to obtain a place in Heaven. For 
                       all who believe, God gives this freely. It is called Grace. Just stop and think 
                       for a moment. Your insurance premiums are paid up to date. Jesus paid them
                       with His death on the cross. He was delighted to do it too. Why? Because he 
                       loves us with all he has. He opens His arms to us and those nail- pierced 
                       hands, reach out and embrace us with His love and compassion. 

  S - Sinner's friend
                       Jesus was a radical. he went where He chose to go and that was to people in
                       need, just like us. Many times, He was seen in tax collectors homes - the 
                       scum of the time, also prostitutes gathered round Him, not to offer their
                       favours but because, here was a man who knew how to treat a woman with 
                       respect and honour. They had never seen anyone like this before. 
                       Everywhere He went, there was always a host of people following Him. They 
                       just couldn't resist Him and He couldn't resist them either.
                       And He is the same with you and I. He simply cannot resist us. He loves us
                       more than we could ever imagine. He is our friend and wants us to be His too.

Now if that doesn't move you, nothing will. The Name of Jesus. The one and only true God, the Word made flesh, the one who would go out and search for you, if you were the only one lost in the whole world. He loves us. Wow!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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