Thursday, 25 July 2019

Fear v Faith

"I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are your works, and that, my soul knows very well."  Psalm 139:14   NKJV

I like the New Living Translation version that goes like this:
'Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvellous - how well I know it.'   NLT

The word 'Soul' is made up of our Mind, Will and Emotion. This is why the psalmist is able to end the verse with, 'My soul knows very well,' or 'how well I know it.' 
We have been created amazingly. God took time to make each one of us and there is no one the same as us. We are unique. The thing is, do we recognise this. Do we own the fact that God created us and He loves us more than words can say. That what He made, He was well pleased with - and that is us. Do you believe that you are a work of art created by God?

Someone once said to me during my counselling days:

'For years I have felt people look down on me because I don't speak posh; I live in a council house and I just don't fit in really. In fact, many times I am afraid to mix with people or talk to them in case they just snub me. It's been practically a life-long thing, especially since becoming a Christian. Christians appear to be the worst with their snobby reactions and judgmental attitude. However, I need to take this verse to heart, (I am fearfully and wonderfully made.) If He approves of me, that's all that matters.'

And this is so true. It doesn't matter what other people think or say. As long as God is pleased with each of us, that's good enough. Every day, fear and faith arises inside of us and we get to decide which one will prevail. The one we feed will dominate. Anytime we feel afraid of something, but do it anyway, we're re-programming our attitude. It's better to do it afraid than not to do it at all. Moses learned this when he was sent to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

"Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."  Romans 12:2   NLT

Every morning make it a habit to look into a mirror and say, 'Bless the LORD, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.'   Psalm 103:2. Learn to say, 'I can do this,' instead of the negative, 'I can't do this.' Put a sign up somewhere in your house to remind you: 'I can do this' and I'm allowed to do this.' You're confessing positive stuff.

Build yourself up in Jesus until fear is just a thing of the past and concentrate more on faith. They're total opposites. One is positive, the other negative. Start using faith-filled talk and words that will build you up:
'Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.'   Ephesians 4:29.  NLT.

God is very pleased with His workmanship - you! If He had a wallet, He would carry photographs around of you, showing them to all he meets.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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