Tuesday, 16 July 2019

God will supply your need

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"33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."   Matthew 6:33-34.  NKJV

We really must seek the Kingdom of God first in our lives. This includes, our jobs, our business, our homes, wife, husband, children and our marriage, just to mention a few of the important ones. Surely too, our health must be in there, without good health, we are very limited.

Jesus says to, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.' Can you see what sticks out and hits us on the nose? Jesus said to, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.' If we want an enriched life, we must place God first. He must be number one; the all important person in our lives. Yes, even more important than our wives, husbands, or our family. Let's face it, He gave them to us in the first place. He placed us at the right place, at the right time, for us to meet the love of our lives; and He wants us to cherish each other, but He must come first. There's no other way around it.

He doesn't want us to worry about things. We may lose our jobs and not be able to pay the bills. We may be facing bankruptcy. Yes, it is a fearful place to be at. But, He says for us to put God first and He'll take care of the rest. If you've never done anything like this, it can be a scary position to be in. However, that's where God wants us - totally dependant on Him. If we are prepared to live like this, He is committed to taking care of us - that's a promise.

I like what James Hudson-Taylor said in his book of ministry. He said about Matthew 6.33:

'If we can only wait right up to the time, God cannot lie; God cannot forget. He is pledged to supply all our need.'

Mr Taylor, wrote this many years ago when he had his ministry to China running. He lived totally by faith and God never let him down. He did though, have to wait until the last minute at times, before God came up with the goods, but God supplied for him.
Then there was George Mueller, who had orphanages around the Bristol area. many is the day when the children sat around the breakfast table, with no food. Mr Mueller would thank God for the food that was on its way. He was never let down; suddenly the door would knock and someone had delivered fresh food. This is unbelievable to read, I know; but it is true. These men, and many others, put God first and God was committed to supplying their need. 

I'm not suggesting that we all start to live by faith; although me and my wife did this for quite a few years and God supplied food, clothes and even a car. However, what I am suggesting is that we put God first in our lives. Read the text today, study it and take it to your heart. God does not want you worrying about anything. He wants you to trust Him with your life and whatever you may need.

Put Him first. You'll never regret it.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


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