"4 Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the LORD God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live." Ezekiel 37:4-5. NKJV. (Read verses 1 - 14)
Ezekiel had just entered the Valley of dry bones and all around, the bones were scattered and they were very dry. God asked him if he thought that these bones could live v3; and he told him to prophesy to them. This may have appeared a daunting task.
William Barclay says in his commentary to Matthew about Jesus' birth:
'The Spirit is the creator of the world and the giver of life. So, in Jesus there came into the world God's life-giving and creating power. That power which reduced the primal chaos to order, came to bring order to our disordered lives. That power that breathed life where there was no life, has come to breathe life into our weaknesses and frustrations. We could put it this way - we are not really alive until Jesus enters our lives.'
William Barclay
At times, life and people can drag us down. Some people, who have the world's problems on their shoulders, have the capability to drag us down with them if we're not careful. There is a story of a Christian man who when out walking, noticed a chap standing on the edge of Beachy Head. It was obvious he was going to jump off. The Christian man rushed over to him and after spending some time talking to him, they both jumped off.
We may smile but time spent with someone who has depression, can rub off onto us unless we're careful. They are very dry; their situation is very dry and after endless times of trying to help them, we can become very dry too. Therefore, when we meet with people like this, we need to cover ourselves in prayer and go at their pace, not our own. Just offering a listening ear - one in which we listen with the third ear, thinking, 'what are they really saying here,' and not interrupting them; and also allowing them to see the love of God, can be a recipe for success. Going in with Bible open and prayers of deliverance may be the wrong move at the time!
As time goes on, the person may allow us to pray with them. This is the time when we can speak to the situation (see verse 4). Broken things and people can be mended but it may take some time. When a person is broken, there's nowhere for them to go; they've reached rock bottom and are hanging by a thread. We have no answers so don't try to find one. Like the bones here, very dry and dead things can be restored but there's only one - Jesus - who can do this. Our job is just to be there offering our friendship and allowing them to realise that there is a way forward.
You may be the person that is needing help at this time. Life may have robbed you, kicked you and trod you down in the dirt. Let me just say this, even though you may not want to hear this at the moment, there is life out there and it's for living. You may feel very dry and very torn apart. This is what happens when you're broken. But you can be mended. New breath can fill you again and put you back on the road.
I want to pray for you right now because I feel God wants me too. As Ezekiel was told:
"I prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'O dry bones hear the word of the LORD'
'In Jesus' Name, I ask the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into these very dry areas today. Holy Spirit, breathe and fill these people with Your love, Your joy and Your peace. Dryness, we command you to depart in Jesus' Name and Lord, I ask You to fill this vacant area with Your life, Your power and Your fire.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now receive it!
Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard
This is a blog that centres on Jesus Christ - my Lord and Saviour. My aim is to describe how He has helped over the years, together with offering daily teaching and encouragement
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
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