Monday, 1 July 2019

What comes out of your mouth?

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"Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you."  
                                                                                                                    Proverbs 4:24  NKJV 

Give attention to what you speak. May it only be to edify the hearer, and that includes you. Ephesians 4:29 says, 'Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.'

At times when we're in the wrong company, we can be tempted to act like they do and perhaps, gossip and also criticise about what somebody should or should not have done. There is nothing wrong with having some alcohol, but in a measured way. Having too much to drink can result in conversations that you may regret the next day. Alcohol can relax us but too much can have a bad affect and can result in us saying or doing the wrong thing. Have you ever woken up the next day after drinking too much and thought, 'Oh no, what did I say. What did I do?' 

It's a similar thing when we're with a crowd of people at, for instance, a prayer meeting. Some people may be sharing about what a particular leader's done and this may lead to a full scale debate about, 'Who does he think he is? type of thing. We only have to read about the early Israelites when Moses led them out of Egypt, to get the idea of what we're looking at. They complained about God, about Moses and Aaron and anyone else who was about at the time. This type of behaviour is so displeasing to God. He is offended by it. 

Most things on the TV these days are hardly the type of thing we should be subjecting ourselves to, but many of us still sit there taking it all in. At best, we should have a rule within the household that if what we're about to watch is not wholesome to view then we won't watch it. It may be funny and popular but if it won't build us up spiritually, then it is not what we want to fill our mind with.

We only have to watch certain comedians on the TV these days to get the idea of changing patterns. To many people, a joke is not funny unless there is a swear word as the punchline. Why is that? We watch a comedian and if he doesn't say an expletive it's not funny. However, if he does, people scream and shout, laughing their heads off. 

Christian, we need to take stock of our lives and make a stand for Jesus. He didn't swear, gossip or criticise people and neither should we. We cannot live two lives. We're either a Christian or we're not. There's no in-between. It's time to stop living two lives. One must go. The choice is yours!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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