Saturday, 3 August 2019


"A quick tempered man acts foolishly."   Proverbs 14:17.  NKJV

People react to things very differently. Some are quick tempered, as mentioned in today's text. They throw a wobbly before they've really taken in the full story. Many is the time when they've got it wrong, hearing only part of the story or got the wrong end of the stick. Other people react very defensively; their backs go up straightaway and it's difficult to get through to them when they're this way. Others show no particular interest at all. It's It's almost like they don't really care, or if they do, they keep things very close to their chests.

It was a little like this when Jesus had been born in Bethlehem. Some knew that something had happened out of the ordinary, the air was charged with excitement. King Herod reacted with hatred and hostility. He saw the rise of a king of the Jews as a threat to his kingdom and plotted to find out more about this child. Like Herod, some people want to do what they want to do and don't wish for someone coming along who may lay a trip on them. They find Jesus a threat to their life; He stands in their way and they want to destroy Him.
Actually, Herod had quite a nice side to his nature. He often helped people who were penniless and at one time had some gold melted down to give to a starving family. However, if he was threatened, he would have people executed, mostly for no reason at all, other than, he wanted them out of the way. They couldn't be any challenge to him then.

Other people had heard the rumours about a child being born in Bethlehem, after all, the wise men had come asking about Him. But they were more interested in themselves and wanted to get on with their lives. Life was busy and they had things to do and were determined to get on with them. It's a little like this today. Yes, people have heard of Jesus, "I mean, that's what Christmas is all about isn't it?" They may say. However, they have businesses to run; a stressful job that demands their attention every day of the week. They also have demanding families and a nightlife to look after. They're too busy to bother themselves with 'religion' and church; and become offended when it's mentioned to them.

Reactions control our lives and can really mess them up too, if we are not careful. If we have a short fuse, it can be so easy to open our mouths and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. It's also so easy to be so busy with work, a hobby or the garden. It's not often that people focus on Jesus - the one they need. They may go to church for weddings, Christening or a funeral but that's it. Some may attend church on a Sunday morning and go through the rituals but not even know God, or want to know Him. They go because, it's the right thing to do. For the remainder of the week, they have nothing to do with Jesus, reading a bible or praying - unless of course, there's a crisis in their lives.

I wonder what God's reaction will be when they come to the end of their life and have to bow down before Him. I wonder what their reaction will be if God was to say to them, 'Why should I let you into My Heaven? I wonder how they will feel if they hear the formidable words, 'Depart from Me, I never knew you.'

Perhaps we need to check on our reactions more in the future.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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