We go through very bad times at different periods of our lives and it can be difficult to find the reason why. It can feel like no one cares or is there for us. We can feel all alone. We probably are not, but that can be the way it feels to us. We then have the habit of isolating ourselves and this may be because we feel sorry for ourselves because no one seems to care or it can feel like, all of our supposed enemies are having a hey-day because we have hit rock bottom.
Our minds can play tricks with us when things have gone a little pear-shaped. We can begin to look at other people, feeling jealous about them because they're not going through a bad time like we are. Our minds can make us feel like life is so unfair that this has happened to us, but other people are being blessed and are having a great time with lots of money, holidays, nice house and the fact that nothing ever seems to go wrong for them.
The thing is, we don't know what other people are going through. Perhaps they hide it well, or perhaps they have learnt to live with their difficulties better than we are at this present time. Some of these people, may have hidden illnesses or disabilities that they have to cope with on a daily basis. There may be problems in their marriages, lives or general family that we could never know about unless they told us. However, it doesn't prevent them praising God.
The fact is, when we go through these bad times, it is no use looking at what other people have or what their lives are like. We need to focus on us and find a way through the problem. The more we look at others, we will not be able to deal with what is happening in our own lives.
You my be feeling like life has given you a bad deal just lately. Have you considered that God may be teaching you something? Could He be taking you to another level in your Christian walk and all you're doing is moaning about it, instead of praising Him and allowing God to work with you? This may sound harsh, but perhaps God is speaking to you at this moment. He may be wanting you to get on your knees and LISTEN, instead of doing all of the talking.
I have a word that I would like you to dwell on. It is from the book of Zephaniah:
'The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing'
Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV
God at this time, is rejoicing over you, not because you're having a bad time - He'd never do that. No, he's rejoicing and dancing, because he is so joyful at what He wants to do in your life. He cannot contain Himself; He is so excited about YOU!
But you need to praise Him and get close to Him and listen. Sometimes, we tend to do all the talking. If that is you, then stop that and listen to what your Father has to say to you. Change is on the horizon for many of us and this may include you. I know that not many people like change. But if, you trust God, it will be ok. Things may seem glum this morning, but by tea time, things may be much better. Don't forget He can change a situation - SUDDENLY.
So, get alone with God and just sit, walk or whatever, and listen to His leading. I know that He has something for you,
Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard
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