Thursday, 24 October 2019

Be careful about Weariness

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.                                                                                                        Galatians 6:9.  NKJV

Anyone who works in some type of caring service will recognise that at times, it is hard to keep going. Many is the time, when the worker can feel abused, used or just taken for granted, so much so, that it would be very easy to throw the towel in and walk away. However, many don't because deep down in their heart this is what they're meant to do and job satisfaction will come as they press on, regardless.

As Christians, it is quite easy to begin to feel taken for granted, or that, whatever we do, we never seem to get recognition or any particular thanks for what we do. Firstly, let's not forget, it is God who gives us recognition, not man. We're serving Him and Him only and at times, the road ahead can be a tough one to take. Secondly, the devil will try to plant lies within our minds - lies that say, 'You're not appreciated here; pack it in and move on.' When this happens, we know that we're on the road to success because the devil doesn't want us to do what we're doing, so will throw all he can at us to get us to stop. But keep going!

Bob Gass said, 'You're never defeated unless, you're defeated on the inside.' Think about that statement for a moment; it's our mind that picks up these feelings and often, they're negative ones; ones designed to get us to stop. But continue walking in faith and do the job.

The Greek for the two words in our text, Lose heart,' is Eklyo and it relates to avoiding weariness as relaxing, loosening up and releasing it. In other words, give up feeling discouraged by not doing such a thorough job; by cutting corners or not being as faithful as you have been to the situation. Let me say, there is no reward in such a thing as this. Yes, we need to watch our health and not become anxious about things, but not to become sluggish in what we do for God. There's a big difference.

If we're not careful, we can have such a passive neglect that we can slip into sin and leave prayer, worship and bible study out of our day, all because we have become weary. 
Things may have begun to get on top of you but don't give up, keep going because in due season - at the appropriate time - you will receive a harvest. The work may be hard and painful and unrewarded, but the seeds that you have sown by doing this work, will come to fruition. You will be rewarded. And that's a certainty, and not just when you get to Heaven but in this life.
Keep going!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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