Thursday, 10 October 2019

God's Provision No 3

(18) "So she said to Elijah, 'What have I to do with you, O man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance, and to kill my son?' (19) "and he said to her, 'Give me your son.' So he took him out of her arms and carried him to the upper room, where he was staying and laid him on his own bed."                                                          1 Kings 17:17-24. (18-19).   NKJV

At times, we can be forced into a corner of life, where we shout out, 'Why Lord? Why has this happened to me? What is going on?' You know what I mean? It can feel like all the presence of God has left us. It can be so frustrating, painful and confusing.

But He hasn't left us. It's just that we become so wound up in what's happening around us, that we feel all alone. Now this is when we need to be careful! Satan would have us crying out, 'I thought You loved me God.' When we get into this way of thinking, we're on a negative slope to despair.

Things happen. Life happens and there really is nothing we can say that will explain why. But, if we just stop and think just for a moment and gather our thoughts, we realise God's around and He has a plan. For the widow, it was the raising of her young son from the dead. Now, don't forget, she had been receiving regular provision from God. He had been supplying flour and oil on a regular basis, so that they could all eat. She knew God's provision and she was aware that Elijah was different from other men. However, when giant things come our way, it's so easy to forget that God's around and go into panic mode, which results in nothing but upset.

The woman, being a widow, had no one else to converse with, so she challenged Elijah who she believed was from God. Elijah agreeing with her, took the child up to his bedroom and prayed that life would return to the child. In other words, he interceded and the child's life was restored.

Two things stand out here:

1  The widow went to where she felt God was - Elijah. She knew no different. We as believers should always do this, but through Jesus, where we have direct access. The widow didn't have this.

2  The power of intercession. Never frown on what this ministry is. It can be a lonely, tiring ministry, one in which people pray without ceasing for something or someone. An intercessor's ministry is crucial, yet sometimes overlooked.

God loves us and demonstrates this on a daily basis. Be confident in Him. He'll never let you down; but at times it will not be easy to walk this way. It wasn't for Jesus, but He did it for us!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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