Sunday, 13 October 2019

Team Jesus

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord) knowing and being continually aware that your labour in the Lord is not futile (it is never wasted or to no purpose).                                                            1 Corinthians 15:58   Amplified version

One thing that stands out of our text today, is the things that we do for Jesus, is never wasted. He will never say, 'That's not good enough,' because He is thrilled at all we attempt to do for Him. This is why, His word tells us to stand firm - steadfast, and realise that He wants us to abound in everything that we do for Him.

Being immovable is a quality that He seeks and wants us to walk in. This is where, whatever comes our way, we never give up because He will never give up on us. Storms may come and knock us over at times but men and women of God, get back up, they keep moving forward, nothing ever stops them. They are fighters to the very end. And this is what God thinks of each of His children. We are special. 

You may doubt that you're special and you may feel that you have let God down just lately. But Christians can't continue to lay down; they're made of stronger stuff - the power of Almighty God dwells in them and that includes you. The Lord Jesus Christ heard your voice that day and tears dripped from His eyes as He realised that one of His precious sheep had returned to His flock. He may have thrown a banquet in Heaven just because you did this and as the whole of Heaven rejoiced, He took your heart and filled it with His Love, His Power, His Peace, His Joy and a host of other goodies. He washed your sin away and gave you a place in Team Jesus.

So, as you are a member of His team,  He has given you the ability to live each and everyday, being immovable and steadfast. He has placed in your heart the the longing to serve Him, doing more than enough as you spread joy, peace and love wherever you tread. Yes, that's right; He's given you the desire to be a winner. And the great thing about Team Jesus, is that we are all winners, no one is better than the other. 

So think about that and have a great day

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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