Sunday, 27 October 2019

The Damascus Road Part Three and onwards

"(19) Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing he was dead."   Acts 14:19-20

Saul, who was now using his other name, Paul, was now established in his ministry, and accepted by Peter and the others, and with Barnabas, was preaching in Lystra. While there, he noticed a man who was lame and after observing him and satisfied in his mind that the man had the faith to be healed, called to him, 'Stand up straight on your feet,' and he leaped and walked.' Acts 14:8-9. 

Now this caused quite a stir with the multitudes, and they began to call Barnabas Zeus - which was known as Jupiter; and Paul as Hermes - which was known as Mercury. They began worshipping them as if they were gods. Paul tried to calm them down and tell them that, what they had witnessed was of Jesus - they were not gods. However, the crowds began sacrificing to them.

Then Jews came down from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded the crowds that Paul and Barnabus were imposters. The result was , Paul was stoned and left outside the city for dead. Now, many believe that Paul was actually dead and as the disciples gathered around him, he was raised back to life. This may explain Paul's discussion about being in Heaven in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5. If not, he would have been miraculously healed, because the very next day, they set off to Derbe, on another mission.

Paul wrote in Acts 14:22 that, 'We must, through many tribulations, enter the Kingdom of God.' Paul was not saying here that suffering gives us entrance to the Kingdom of God, but rather as we serve God, persecution accompanies our walk with God. It's important to distinguish the difference.

We do struggle at times. You may be at this point at the moment. When we are going through difficult times, it is hard to realise that this is happening to us. After all, we are serving Jesus, this shouldn't happen, should it? Well if it happened to Jesus, it will certainly happen to us. Christian or not, we are all at risk of certain things happening to us. I remember hearing about Keith Green, a wonderful American musician with a ministry with homeless people and people with addictions. He did amazing things and wrote great worship songs, and yet, one day he went up in a helicopter with his young son and it crashed, killing them both. There's no answers to what happens but it happens to believers and unbelievers. 
At other times, Christians can be terribly persecuted, but what we must do is 'Get up', like Paul did and get on with the work. You are loved and important to Jesus.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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