Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Tit for Tat

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,'  Verse 38
                                                                                                   Matthew 5:38-43.  NKJV

One of the earliest codes of law came under Hammurabi, who reigned in Babylon 2285 - 2242 BC. It was designed to control vengeance and attempt to bring about some kind of justice. However, there was a distinction between gentry and the poor. If gentry were attacked and lost an eye, then they had the right that the attacker should lose his eye as well. It was the same with a limb or other parts of the body. Basically, it was the law of tit for tat.

A poor person, who suffered this type of injury, didn't have the right to do the same to the attacker. Instead, there was a fine - a small portion of silver, that would have to be paid. 
As time went on, Roman officials and soldiers, had the right to force a person or their family, into public service. They could also use their equipment, horses and other such thing, all with no advance warning.

Jesus' teaching here, was one of overcoming evil with love. In verse 39 of our text, He said, 'whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.' The disciples would have known the meaning of this straightaway. A slap on the cheek was a great insult. A slap on the right cheek, was an even deeper insult, rather than a physical one. And to be slapped with a back hand was the worst. Therefore, if a right-handed person slapped someone on the right cheek, it would have to be with the back of the hand. 

However, instead of retaliation, Jesus taught that they should turn the other cheek too. In today's world, a slap may well be with a baseball bat, something that anyone would need to avoid.
In verse 41, we read, 'And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.' The word 'Compels,' is the verb that describes how a Roman soldier or official could press people into some kind of service and force them to carry all of his equipment for this distance. Jesus was saying here that if this were to happen, go an extra mile. Show them love not bad feeling. Really, for us as Christians, this is the name of the game - to overcome evil with love.  

Are you having a threatening time just lately? Have you got a boss or partner who is very rude and demanding of you. If so, don't tit for tat. Instead, show them the love of Jesus. You never know, you may just win them over for God; or if they're already confessing to be a Christian, let them come under conviction and repent.
Just love them!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard



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