Thursday, 17 October 2019

Unity and Teamwork

"Only, let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel."                                         Philippians 1:27.  NKJV

Have you ever watched a flock of geese flying overhead? Whether there is a small or a large flock, they are very noisy, honking away practically non-stop. One of the characteristics of their flight, is the formation, especially Canada Geese. They have a leader at the front, two behind, then three and so on. It is the perfect formation. They have all round vision in case of attack from a predator, such as a Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard or other hawk, and their honking may be one of encouragement or warning to one another. Most importantly, whenever, the leader becomes tired, another will recognise this and take his place, leaving him to drop back from the pressure of leading.

This is incredible teamwork and one that we, as human beings, can learn a lot from. Living in harmony with each other, whether it be in the church, at home or at work, has got to be a positive step forward. When we are in unity, great things begin to happen. One only has to look at the early church in Acts 1-3 to see this in action. Because of their actions - their teamwork and unity, 'the Lord added to the church daily those who were being save,' (Acts 2:47)

When we're working in unity, the Holy Spirit can work through us and perform great things, not only within the church, but in our lives. A husband and wife, who have Jesus at the centre of their marriage, will work together and achieve much more, than a couple who don't have Jesus.  However, if they're at loggerheads because of some falling out, then their prayers will suffer and very little happen, they will be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)

Some days, it may feel like you're walking through very thick treacle. The going is really tough and whatever you seem to do, doesn't work. At this stage, stop. Check your behaviour; check if there is any conflict working around within you. If you're married, has there been some harsh words spoken that need to be addressed and put right. Are you having a pity-party over something that has happened in the church or at work, and you are refusing to give in and accept that you may be in the wrong, or that God may be teaching you something through it all. You may be in the right, but acting in this way is not the way Jesus would want you to act, is it?

Whether it is your personal walk with God, your own particular circumstances, the church, your workplace or your marriage; learn to walk in unity, be a team player, work in formation and watch things begin to change - rapidly!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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