Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Window in the Wall

"(33) but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall and escaped from his hands"
                                                                                                          2 Corinthians 11:22-33.  NKJV

Paul had suffered many things because of his faith; probably more than the average Christian could ever suffer. He was very humble and considered that his sufferings were the only things that he could boast about - not that he had undergone sufferings for Jesus, but that, in his weakness to alter this, God considered him blessed and rescued him, time and time again.
Paul was writing about the time that he was in Damascus, not too long after his conversion. He had been preaching about Jesus and the governor had his troops guarding the city to catch Paul, so that the only way out, was to be let down the wall in a basket, something that Paul regarded as a weakness.
This wasn't the first time that this type of thing had happened. Rahab, had helped the spies to escape by letting them down a wall too. (see Joshua 2:1-15.)

God is the great escape planner. He can provide for us, a way of escape at any time of the day or night. he can rescue us from issues with work-related problems, health-related problems, marital-related problems, financial-related problems and a host of other things too. He is wonderful at providing a window in a wall.

On many occasions, He may leave us in a position that we don't wish to be in. This is not because He doesn't want to help us. It is because there is a learning point that we have to master first. Think of Daniel, he had been cast into a lion's den - not the sort of place that anyone would wish to go. King Darius had not had a choice over this matter as it was a matter of law. That night, Darius had little sleep and early in the morning, rushed to the den to see if Daniel was ok. He was. God had sent an angel to shut the lion's mouth's and no doubt, Daniel had had a better sleep than Darius had.

Time and time again, we read about how God has provided a way of escape for His people, whether it be a window in a wall, an angel providing assistance or guards having their eyes closed so that a bible smuggler can get through the checkpoint to give out God's Word to people in need. At times, God turns up to show us the way. At other times, we need to look for that window in the wall opportunity; but one things for sure, God will be there for us when we need Him.

Perhaps you are in a place or situation at this time, that you don't wish to be. This is not a time to panic. It is not a time to start blaming people, or even God. It is a time when you need to pray, be alert and watch and be ready for when God provides a way forward. Whatever it is that is bothering you at this time, don't give up on God but trust Him, and be patient. He doesn't rush in when we want Him to. He waits for the right moment; that right window in the wall opportunity. This is why you need to be ready. That opportunity will come!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


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