Monday, 2 December 2019

Keep your eyes on God

"My son, give attention to My words, incline your ear to my sayings,"   Proverbs 4:20-27  NKJV

Jesus gives us the Words of Life throughout the bible. It's our road map to show us the way. It's our survival kit and compass, our book of wisdom and truth.

When we read God's Word or when we feel Him speaking to us, He wants us to incline our ear to what He is showing us; what He is telling us. This means, He wants us to lean into Him so that we don't miss what He is saying. When we hear His word, He wants us to meditate on it and if required, confess it to whom He directs. No matter what we read or what He tells us, we need to agree with the word. There is no room for doubt where Jesus is concerned. People around you may disregard His word and even make fun of it. Even believers may scoff at the idea of healing or any other faith issue. 'God doesn't heal people today,' they may say, 'that was back in bible times.' No it wasn't, so don't believe them. Healing is for now!

If God says that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus, (1 Peter 2:24), then that's the truth. We are healed, we just need to believe and accept it. ''Yes, but,' they may say. But nothing. Leave that word out of your thinking; it's a negative word. Get into God's words. They are positive and full of life. Read Proverbs 4:20-27. It gives us directions in the way we should go on a daily basis.

Verse 21 tells us to keep hold of His word and not let go of it. We need to internalise it. In other words, eat it, swallow it and digest it. Why? because they are words of life and bring health to our body (v22). 

Be careful though, there are conditions. If you want to walk with Jesus it has to be clean up time. Words that come out of your mouth need to be pure, not full of death and negativity. Words determine where we will be tomorrow. Words determine whether we are healed or not. You can't be healed if you're confessing that you won't be, 'Oh, I'll give it a chance. Yes pray for me but I doubt if there'll be any change.' If that's what you confess, that's what you'll get.

Verse 25 tells us not to become distracted. We need to focus on Jesus and look straight ahead. In other words, stop looking at the things that you know you shouldn't be looking at. Stop saying the things that you know you shouldn't be saying.

Be careful where you go and who you associate with. (v26). Ponder the path of your feet. We need to walk wisely; be careful where we go - the places where you know you could be tempted to get involved in things that would be wrong. Wherever we go, we need to be establishing righteousness.

We need to have good decision-making skills (v27) and stop being indecisive - stop saying one thing and doing another. Stick to God's plan. This is not a game - it is survival. We get one crack at life and Jesus has given us that second chance. He gave us His all, let's give Him ours.

Healing is not over. Faith is not over. They are not just things that happened in the bible. They are for now. Yes there are things that we can't explain, why someone appears not to be healed or dies young. They're the things we'll find out when we get to Heaven. Until then, we carry on believing and not doubting.
 If you want to move in the power of the Holy Spirit and see Jesus at work in a mighty way, get into the word. Meditate on Proverbs 4:20-27. Read it daily if possible. Believe that God can do whatever He chooses to do. God wants us well. God wants us prosperous and not settling for second best. 

If you receive this today, say Amen and watch God move in your life!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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