Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Beatitudes Part 7

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."   Matthew 5:9.  NKJV

God is the supreme peacemaker and as His sons and daughters, we need to follow in His example. There's a lot of unrest about, therefore we need to establish peace wherever we are.

David Guzik says: 'This verse does not describe those who live in peace but those who actually bring about peace, overcoming evil with good.'

One way that we can do this is through evangelism - the ministry of reconciliation - 
(2 Corinthians 5:18). We help bring peace between people who have never known God and of whom they have hurt and rejected. The Hebrew word for peace is shalom. The meaning is that peace always means everything which makes for a person's highest good.

When you're out and about, take a look around you and note the unrest; the lack of peace and the aggression and violence that is on the increase around every corner. It may be unwise for us to stand up in the middle of all this and try to bring about reconciliation, unless God tells you to do this. We need to be wise. However, we can be on the lookout for people who want to offload and are willing to speak with us. We may not be counsellors but we have the Counsellor within us - The Holy Spirit, and He will guide us and give us the words to say. Often, people just want to pour out their frustration and it is helpful to allow them to do this - to vent their pent up frustration and unwind a little.  As we just sit and listen to them, hopefully they will notice that there is something different about us - and that is Jesus. 

Many people ridicule Jesus and openly curse Him but when the chips are down - when they have hit rock bottom and are in a situation they cannot get out of easily, who is that many call on in prayer? The same one they have persecuted - Jesus. He is the main peacemaker and has lots of experience in bringing people's lives back together and He wants to use YOU to let this happen. YOU are His chosen vessel. YOU are His peacemaker. YOU carry the words of Eternal life and can bring salvation to the desolate and hurting crowd. 

So that is what He is calling you to do, each and every day. Are you willing?

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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