Thursday, 23 January 2020

Be careful with the seed

"Listen! Behold a sower went out to sow."                      Mark 4:3 & 13-20

The farmer has to sow his seed carefully; otherwise it may be snatched by the birds, it can be sown into ground where there is no root or choked because it is thrown into ground that is choked with thorns and all sorts of debris. Here, in verses 13-20, we see different variations of seed sowing:

In Galilee at the time, there were many strips of land with hard paths through them where people walked.This was so regular that the paths would become very compact and hard. As seed was sown, birds would swoop down before it even had time to root. Farmers, at times used donkeys that carried large bags of seed with a hole cut out at the bottom corner. As the donkey was led on, the seed would flow out on the paths and land. However, birds would still swoop down and snatch the seed. You've probably seen examples of this with tractors in a field. As the tractor goes along, hundreds of birds can be seen trying to take the seed away. The difference being, here the soil has been well dug and fertilised.

The analogy here is, many people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ but the words don't take root. Many people are indifferent to the Word of God and feel that they don't need 'Religion,' in their lives. They're ok as they are. Sadly, one day, they may wish that they had done something about it.
Much of Galilee at the time, was covered with a shelf of limestone rock with just a shallow level of soil covering this. It wasn't deep enough for seeds to make root and when the hot sun rose, they would shrivel up with the heat.
Many people are drawn to Christianity but they don't give it their all. Living for Jesus, is an all or nothing exercise. We have to give Jesus our all. If there is no depth to our walk with Him, the world will shrivel us up with the heat of its temptations. 
Farmers would hack large thorn bushes down but leave the roots still in the ground. Consequently, the thorns would quickly grow back, fresh and strong, and choke the freshly sowed seedlings. 
It's great to have hobbies and belong tp various clubs, such as a gym, sports club, art classes ad also church activities. But in our busy lives, we must leave room for Jesus. You may be an avid reader and plough through thrillers at a fast pace, but where is the value if you spend hours reading these books and minutes in your bible - if at all. Doing too much, chokes your Christian walk.

This happens by listening. Sometimes, we can be so busy talking that we fail to hear what God is saying. 
We must take it into our minds. At times, we may hear what we don't wish to hear. This is not the time to discard it, but learn from it. We all need guidance and teaching. The truth can hurt at the time but it can mend, the same way as a prescribed injection of medicine can hurt but we know that it will benefit us.
Faith doesn't call us to speculate but to act. If you don't act on your faith, very little will happen.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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