Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Covenant People

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off, have been brought near by the Blood of Christ."                                                                            Ephesians 2:13.  NKJV

We were purchased by the Blood of Jesus. We have a contract with God - a Covenant.
A Covenant is a binding agreement and we have this with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour - if you are born again.

George Pearsons says:

'A Covenant is a solemn, binding, unbreakable agreement of total devotion between two parties that have joined together to support, defend, protect and provide for each other.'

When we asked Jesus into our hearts, we gave Him all of ourselves and we became one with Him, made in His image. We belong to Him - totally and He belongs to us. He is our brother but also our God, He is our friend but also King of kings and Lord of lords.

God is serious about our Covenant with us. He tells us in Psalm 89:34, 'My Covenant, I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips.' He will not break this Covenant and expects that we won't either. He is committed to us and expects us to be committed to Him. It is a two-way contract.

It all sounds very official and in a way it is. However, it is a Covenant in which we have many blessings. His sole intonation is to bless us because that is what we were born into. 

Christian marriage is a Covenant between two people who both have Jesus residing in their heart. If one partner is not a Christian then it is possible that at times, one is pulling in another direction to the other. One grows in Christ, the other grows in a different area. When the two partners are both believers, they walk together with Jesus in the central part of their marriage. In fact, they are one, joined together in Jesus. When they are not, there will always be that dis-jointedness. After all, they both entered into a Covenant of marriage and this means, with Jesus at the central part. Something then, is missing.

As believers, we are Covenant people purchased by Jesus' Blood. We can rely on His faithfulness and we need to endeavour to allow Him to see that He can rely on us too. When He asks us to do something for Him, He expects us to carry this out. When He tells us something while we are in prayer, if it is a private issue about someone, He wants to know that we can be trusted to keep it to ourselves for as long as is needed.

A Covenant relationship is sacred. As believers, we are all joined together by the Blood of Jesus. Yes we have our differences; there may be people we find difficult to get on with. However, as Covenant people, we love them all the same; we forgive wherever that is needed. We hold no grudges; keep no records of wrongs and watch the words that come out of our mouths, in other words, we only speak the way Jesus would speak. 

How do we do all of this? By faith in Jesus. By staying very close to Him and thinking the best of people no matter what we may hear about them. Covenant people do not judge or point the finger they just know there is a better way - the Royal way.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


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