Friday, 31 January 2020

Do you want to get well?

"6 When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to Him, 'Do you want to be made well?"
                                                                                                John 5:1-15.  NKJV

This man had been severely disabled for 38 years - his whole life. It is hard to imagine how he felt. To him, it was normal, even though he lay there at the poolside daily, watching others walking by.

The place Bethesda is recognised in Hebrew as the Place of Outpouring, House of Grace or even the House of Mercy. Daily people would gather around it until the waters bubbled and when it did, they endeavoured to be the first one in because the popular belief was that when the water bubbled it was caused by an angel and the first one in, would be healed. Others believed the disturbance in the water was caused by a subterranean stream under the water which every now and again bubbled up. Many people throughout the world today, carry superstitions around and believe some of the most bizarre of things. Whatever it was that caused the bubbling up at this pool, a belief spread around the wider area and many people visited in hope of healing. This man could never make it into the pool quickly enough and if he did, he would have had to be careful as the water was deep in places and in his condition, he could have drowned.

Jesus looked at this man and asked him, 'Do you want to be made well? Now this question, when you think about it, was two-fold:

1  'Do you really want to be healed and released from the infirmity?
2  'You have been this way all of your life. Are you used to being this way, and 
     content to carry on, or do you want what I can do?

It is possible that people can become so used to having a disability and not being able to live like others do, that they own it and find it difficult to be otherwise. This can be understandable, especially when their condition has been since birth. The very thought of being healed and changed, can be abnormal to their thinking and scary in the process.

This is what Jesus wanted to establish. Jesus is always a friend to the needy and friendless and longs to help where it is needed. This man needed His help. He never mentioned any possible superstitions about the bubbling of the water, that we may have done in a similar situation. It was immaterial. He wanted to address the main problem, not the trivial, time-wasting one. 

The man's response to Jesus was not negative but it had the feel of, 'I want this but....' Many people have this attitude, 'Yes, but...' There must be a desire to receive the power of Jesus. If we are content as we are, there will be little change. This was what Jesus was seeking and, even though there was a 'but,' Jesus saw a desire too.

Jesus commanded him to, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk.' If the man had deliberated, he would have missed his healing. He could have said that he could hardly walk, let alone pick up his bed too. But, he didn't. He took action and received his healing, immediately! 
You see, having faith is not enough, for the faith to work, we need action because faith without works (action) is dead (James 2:17.

What about you? Are you in a place where you have a condition that needs healing but, you have become a little used to it? You may have prayed about it many times to no avail. The thing is, you have to put your faith into action. Like yesterday's reading said, you have to apply your faith after you have asked, believed and received for healing or whatever else. In other words, you have to act as if you are healed even if you don't feel you are; there should be no doubt. However, until it is confirmed by a doctor, one should keep taking medication.
The man got up, with his bed and walked. If there had been any doubt there, he would have missed out.

Don't you miss out. Put your faith into action right now!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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