Thursday, 9 January 2020

Stand and Refuse to be Intimidated

"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind and it filled  the whole house where they were sitting."              Acts 2:1-2   NKJV

Jerusalem and the people would never be the same again. The Holy Spirit had come as Jesus had promised and there was chaos in the streets. People were speaking in strange languages and dialects and yet everyone understood. 

Basically, there were only two languages that was spoken in this day; the Jews mostly spoke Aramaic and the rest spoke in Greek. However, like today, there were different dialects from different regions. Now there was also a very special language - tongues - a language from the Holy Spirit. , but everyone still understood what was being said. Picture the scene, it is no wonder that some were saying that they were drunk (Acts 2:13). God had turned up with His Spirit and the place was literally on fire. 

Now, whenever there is a revival from God, the devil is revived too. He will do all he can to cause people to doubt what is happening and put it down to madness. One example was the Toronto Blessing back in the late 90's. Many thousands were blessed and healed and had their lives changed forever. Many others though, including the media, claimed that it was the work of the devil.

You may notice this in your own life too. You are blessed by God and become on fire yourself with the Holy Spirit. You're flying high, at 50,000 feet, reading your bible, playing worship CD's non-stop and full blast and filling all day, of every day with Jesus. All of a sudden, it all goes wrong and everything and everyone appears to be against you. What has happened? The devil has fired a dart at you (Ephesians 6:16). All of a sudden, that wonderful, Godly feeling has left and arguments, unrest and bad things take over. You feel floored and robbed. Well, that is what has happened; the devil is a thief and he has snatched your feeling away. (John 10:10). This is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. This is the time to stand and keep standing (Ephesians 6:10-18).

You must tell the devil to depart. You have the authority. Jesus gave it to you (Luke 10:19). Stand up to him and order him out: 

"Look here devil, you have no right in my life. I AM a believer in Jesus of Nazareth. He is My Saviour and lives in my heart. So depart from me and this situation now. In Jesus' Name."                                                    

The devil prowls around wherever the Word of God is established. Don't be surprised if he uses your boss at work, your family or your friends and neighbours to make your life difficult. The word for you is to 'Stand'. Put on your armour; read your bible; pray; praise God and refuse to be intimidated.

You're the son or daughter of the King of kings. Don't forget it!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard   I would love to hear from you

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