Sunday, 5 January 2020


"My cup runs over."                                                                                Psalm 23:5.  NKJV

Have you ever been filling a cup, taken your eyes off the cup for just one second, and had the contents pouring over the edge of the cup onto the work surface it's standing on? It happens, especially when we are busy and multi-tasking in order to get things done, all at once.

This is a similar example of how God blesses each one of His people who trust and rely on Him on a daily basis. We are the cup and He fills us with blessings that overflow out of us. He can't help it. When we're walking with Him obediently and sin-free, He just wants to smother us with  His love and blessing.

Psalm 23:1 says a similar thing, 'I shall not want.' As we seek God first in our lives and His righteousness, He will give us what we need and lots more too. Matthew 6:33.

Let us take a look at John 10:10 for a moment:

'The thief does not come except, to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.'

If you remember in Genesis 3, we see the devil, dressed in a serpent's skin, leading Adam and Eve astray by convincing Eve that it was ok to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, thus causing them to sin and by this, allowing sin to enter into the world. He is a thief, a killer and will destroy all you have if you allow him to.

On the other hand, God wants to abundantly bless each one of us and fill our lives with love and contentment. The Greek word for Abundant is perissos which means, superabundance, excessive, overflowing, surplus, over and above, more than enough, profuse, extraordinary, above the ordinary and more that sufficient (source Word Wealth Spirit Filled Life Bible).

Our Father is Our Excessive God. Satan is the joy robber and Jesus is the joy bringer - the God of too much. The New Living Translation reads, 'My purpose is to give them a rich, satisfying life.' John 10:10.

We can begin to see how David could write, 'My cup runs over.' When God gives, it is to overflowing. It overflows giving us superabundance. This is the blessing that was given initially to Adam and Eve in the garden and caused Abraham to be fully convinced that what God had promised he was also able to perform. Romans 4:21. The blessing hasn't stopped. God wants us to live in it each and every day. He will bless us with all that we need to serve Him and carry out His Will for our lives. He will give us all we need - over and above - for us to live and enjoy.

It is the most wonderful feeling when God turns up with financial blessing when your pot is becoming empty. Do you know something. As long as you give to God, your pot will never be empty. He will pour into your cup until it is overflowing whenever you need it. Why? Because He loves you, enjoys your company and loves you honouring Him with all you have. Whatever you give Him, He will pour back to you abundantly!

Now that's good news

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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