Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Three main areas of worry Part 3

"25 Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?"                                     Matthew 6:25-34.  NKJV

Today, we come to our final part  of the main areas of worry. Today we look at:

We all desire good health, the alternative being unthinkable. Many people struggle with the fact that God's Word says that we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24, actually tells us that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus, and that is correct. The problem is, accepting this fact.

Why do we fret and worry about illness that comes upon us or a member of our family. Jesus told us if we ask in prayer for anything and believe that we receive them, then we will have them. Mark 11:24. We either believe that or we don't. It is not a case of, 'if we pray hard enough, God will hear us and take pity on us.' It is not that type of thing at all. Jesus was serious about what He said.

Let us look at Mark 11:24:

'Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them.'

This verse is so straight forward, that it would be so easy to say, 'What part of this verse don't you understand?' It couldn't be any clearer. But some people often think that there must be a hidden meaning. The only hidden meaning here is, 'Have faith in God,' Mark 11:22. The verse could be better analysed by breaking it into three parts:
We are called to walk by faith 2 Corinthians 5:7. Also 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.' Romans 4:17. Did you get that? If a person is sick, there is no healing there, ok? So faith tells us to call those thing - this sickness - as if they are healed and they will be, because we walk by faith, not by what we see, hear or what someone tells us. 'Oh that won't work, they're sick, they won't be made well.' Well you're right if you have that attitude because that is not faith, it is aggressive doubt. We have to get into the realm of faith, of believing for the impossible, because God is a God of the impossible.
When we pray, it must never be a formality or a ritual without hope. We should never pray, 'Lord, if it be thy will.' It's fruitless to pray this way because we know already that it is God's Will. 1 Peter 2:24. Don't be tempted to be one of the people who think, 'You never know, God may just answer my prayer.' This really is being a little flip with God. He is interested in you walking in divine health. He doesn't want you sick. 
So why then, are so many people sick? Well God doesn't bring sickness upon people. That is fact. There is none of this, 'God allowed this sickness because I can be helpful to Him.' That is not true. He can use a person who has a major illness, yes, as they can minister to others with similar symptoms. But it is never God's will for us to be sick.
It all boils down to whether we, the individual, receive healing, stand on our faith confessing that we are healed, though the symptoms remain, until the full manifestation comes to us. Many times, people are healed instantly as they receive it. At other times, it is like nothing has happened. However, this is where we need to use our faith and not confess sickness on us any longer. Yes, you need to still take your medication, it would be irresponsible not to. But only until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health. 

You may be reading this and have total doubt about it all. But really, have you anything to lose by trusting God totally and asking Him to heal you? God does not lie. What He says in His Word can be trusted. He is a God of love; a God who doesn't want you worrying about sickness and disease, especially when He has supplied healing in the first place. He loves you.

May I encourage you to read and study Mark 11:24 until you get a full revelation of what God is telling you. God wants you well, and well today. All you have to do is believe that you receive and you will have it.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard



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