Genesis 3:6. NKJV
The serpent (the devil) was extremely cunning, which means that he was deceitful and crafty and very skilful in the art of this. We see him in action here with Eve (and Adam, who was somewhere in the background but within hearing distance.)
God had told Adam and Eve that they could eat of any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They could tend the tree but not eat of it or they would die.
However, the serpent was and is, a tempter, 'go on, look at it; look at that fruit, it looks really tasty. Go on,' (Paraphrase of V6) When Eve looked, she indeed saw how pleasant it looked and extremely desirable. At this time, Adam should have stepped up and taken the authority that he had and told the serpent to, 'Get out of my garden.' He should then have spoken to his wife, reminding her of where their duties and obedience were. Sadly he didn't.
Husband, do your job. If you're a woman without a husband, then do the same. Take your responsibilities seriously. Your children see the decisions that you make and follow them. Learned behaviour springs to mind. Set an example; have high standards and rules to live by. You know what is right and what is wrong. Teach your children this. Live by this yourself. Determine that if God says, 'not to,' then you are 'not to.' He sets standards for us to live by; if we don't obey them, how do you expect your children to. I can almost hear them saying, 'Why should we, our parents don't?'
Look at the results of our disobedience, 'And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden, in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God, among the trees of the garden.' V8
Guilt, bad feelings, regrets, shame and a feeling that God is not around you. These can be the results of disobedience; of committing sin - deliberate sin such as this. You can't hide what you've done from God. He knows and sees all. You may fool the people around you - for a time; but pretty soon, all will be revealed.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
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