Saturday, 29 February 2020

Learn to Prioritise

Come aside by yourselves, to a deserted place and rest a while:  Mark 6:31. NKJV

There were hostilities from religious Jewish leaders, Herod and demanding crowds of people. Jesus recognised that His disciples were very tired. They hadn't even had an opportunity to eat properly. Jesus knew when it was time to work and time to rest. Do you?

Life can be demanding; whether you work, are retired or in between jobs, you need to be careful that you don't take on too much. It's a recipe for burnout. Things that are indicative of this are, possessing the necessity to do all you have planned, and the other things that come along, all in one day. If you're a good planner, this may be achievable but only for a limited time. Plates will only spin for a short time before they come crashing down.

Just take an average day. If you have children, they need washing, dressing and feeding and then, if of the age, taking to school. The dog needs a walk and he's letting you know it too. Then there is shopping, washing and ironing to be done. And don't forget, your friend is calling in for a coffee, but the weather is dry and the grass could really do with cutting.

As you consider all of this, the telephone rings and you know you're in for a long conversation. There has been no time to eat, so you decide to skip this as the perfect opportunity to diet.

Later in the day, you manage to get a little time for yourself, so you open your bible to see what God has in store for you today - even though it is now past lunchtime and you haven't done the shopping yet. Then the 'phone goes again, and once again it's going to be a long conversation. Your brain is screaming, 'What about the shops and the grass and the dog still needs a walk?' And don't forget, it's almost time to pick the kids up.

If you're working, you may have a busy schedule but at the back of your mind, you know that all of these things need doing. Your partner is stressed out and you're getting that way. The thing is, there is no time - no time for anything, life is so busy.

Sorry, the problem is not lack of time, but your inability to not handle it properly. Your time-management is all out of sync and you're heading for burnout. The answer is, learn to prioritise. Things still need doing in your life but not all at once. You need to decide what is the most important chore for the day and filter out all of the side issues and distractions. If the 'phone rings at an inconvenient time, learn to say, 'I'm sorry but I'm busy right now; I'll get back to you.' Re-arrange your diary for the day if need be - cancellations are allowed you know.

Make sure that you have time to eat - properly; not snatching a bite while you're driving or doing another job. Heed your body. If you're tired, sit and have a rest, even if a ton of guilt falls upon you. 

Conclusion, prioritise your day, learn to move things around in your plans, say no, rest, eat but most of all, spend time with your Father; read His Word first and foremost and allow Him to direct your day. (Proverbs 3:5-6). AND NEVER, NEVER IGNORE THIS OR YOURSELF!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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