Monday, 23 March 2020

Be sensible and follow the guidelines

"Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe."
                                                                                          Proverbs 4:26.  NLT

David Guzik comments on this verse:

'When we carefully ponder where we are headed, it helps to establish our wise direction and help us to not turn to the right or the left.'
                                                                     Copyright David Guzik Enduring Word

There are a lot of warnings and news flashes about at the moment. They are all concentrating on what we should do to protect ourselves, our families and the NHS from the Coronavirus. Pubs and restaurants have closed; theatres and other meeting places and people are being advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people wherever possible. 

Of course, this can lead to panic and has already in some places. People are panic buying, others refusing to stick to the guidelines. There is confusion and unrest around the world as the virus begins to spread and consume people's lives.

God would want us to be Spirit-led but not to be flip about this. Yes, we were healed by the stripes of Jesus but that doesn't mean that we put ourselves to the test by ignoring the advice from professional healthcare officials and blatantly going into risk situations. We need to be wise and walk in the Spirit of God.

We all have choices and at the moment a lot of these choices are limited because of the virus. Love would not wish for us to be selfish and go to places where we could infect other people. So therefore, even though it is difficult, there is a need to heed the warnings from our government and stay safe.

This doesn't mean that we are giving into fear - not at all. It means that we are being obedient in obeying those who rule over us (Hebrews 13:7.) There's a lot we can still do. Most of us have social media. Therefore, we can contact people, checking to see if they are ok or if they need anything. We can encourage each other and pray for people. There is a way through this and Jesus is the way. He will lead us to victory!

Jesus says, 'Let not you heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.' John 14:1. Jesus will not let us down. Just be at peace and don't worry. Stick to the guidelines and be sensible.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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