Thursday, 12 March 2020

Grab hold of some patience

"(2) My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, (3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. (4) But let patience have its perfect work , that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
                                                                                  James 1:2-4.  NKJV

For most people, patience is very hard to live with. We tend to want answers - now! We tend to want to get on with what we need to get on with, so, why the waiting? Mostly, because when we rush in with both guns blazing we are prone to get it wrong. 

When things test our patience, such as the washing machine breaking down, fence panels blown over in the wind and it's our neighbour's responsibly, not ours, but they don't seem to be doing anything about it, and then traffic jams making you late for appointments, things tend to get a tad tedious and we find it very difficult to cope with, let alone find it joyful.

But the thing is, troubles come our way in order to transform us - to help build our character. The ultimate purpose of trouble in our life is to perfect us. It is God's desire that we get into a position where we are complete and lacking nothing.

God allows us to go through certain trials in order to train us to have character. If you have a short fuse with practically no patience at all then you can expect many trials to come your way. However, with the trials, God gives us the ability to be able to withstand these but it takes time to perfect. If you blow your top at the first obstacle that comes your way, then this is for you. If you handle things a little bit better than this, then this is also for you. 

The Ancient Greek word described here, for patience is hupomone. It does not describe a passive waiting such as sitting in a busy doctor's surgery waiting for your turn to go in. It describes an active endurance. It is the determination that helps you finish a marathon. It describes someone who doesn't give up but carries on to the very end. It describes aggressive determination.

If we begin a project, we would normally plan it out to the best of our ability, noting the things we need to complete the project and the possible problems that it may hold for us. As we get into the project, we may find obstacles that try to prevent us from completing, that test our patience. However, because we have planned properly and have the determination, together with a sense of humour, it is finally completed.
It is the same with our daily life with God. We will come against many problems and trials in our daily walk with Jesus, but the ability to have a sense of humour -  that joy that comes from God, and also an ability to be able to laugh at ourselves if things go a little pear-shaped, we will find that we can accomplish each and every thing that we meet. 

If you struggle with impatience, try and allow your sheer determination to carry you through by praising God, playing some praise music, and generally being happy. Does this sound impossible? It isn't but it takes practice rather like running a marathon.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




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